
Well, he was dead-weight, narratively speaking.

Which is plot-driven, rather than character-driven. But I take your point. And I suppose his disillusionment with the Watch betraying him is a character-driven result, but it seems small-potatoes-ish for such a big event.

A waif resents that she is less popular than a girl.

I felt like Arya's blindness had a character-driven purpose—to wear down her sense of individual identity and improve her skills as an assassin (by honing her other senses). Jon's death, on the other hand, seems to do nothing but create a legal loophole for the recovery of Winterfell.

It's a law of physics that two Stark children cannot occupy the same castle at the same time.

Kind of also hope Ramsey kills Lord Umber for mistreating a direwolf.

You need to amend that to "Incredibly Horny FBI Agent working on a case."

Can you ship orgies? Sure, why not.

Evil Lincoln is right—Rachel looks almost human when compared to her mother. And some of Rachel's past acts of viciousness seem less cold and calculated now—now that her deep childhood abandonment wound is being constantly poked and prodded by Susan Duncan.

Exhuming Leakie was totally Alison's idea. Which she insisted on doing, over Donnie's objections, because Sarah needed help. Sarah and Alison are actually quite similar, in that they push very hard for what they want and need—whether it's safety for Kira or suburban stability for Alison's family. But they both

Sarah also has the constant threat hanging over her head of someone kidnapping Kira and/or Kendall. I think the cheek worm was just one terrifying danger too many for Sarah.

It is widely known.

I agree. I keep thinking that the Comte's a red herring too. And that Sandringham is the one behind the poisoning and the attack. Or the Finance Minister—that would be a twist.

If this is true, I guess Ned really didn't trust Catelyn to method-act a convincing amount of jealous spite towards the kid.

Absolutely. On the same note, the way adults can love or sympathize with teenagers and simultaneously loathe those same kids for being so freaking obnoxious? That's our Olly.

I was thinking maybe Hodor was the reason behind Benjen taking the Black.

If Jon comes back wrong, pretty sure Ghost will quickly take care of it.

Nope. Still not feeling sorry for Cersei.

Kittens. He means kittens.

"I drink, and I know things."