
Opioids and Dopamine are different compounds that work on different receptors. Both can produce euphoria, but they don't have the exactly the same effects.

Needed next season: More Angel Bros Detective Agency. More Chloe/Maze, period.

I'm so nervous about Michael's survival that I've started reading the av club reviews before watching the episodes, just to make sure he's still alive. #GroomDoom

Because ornate period sets are expensive?

One thing I like about the cheek maggots is the way they refresh the theme of scientific violation and control of the clones' bodies. Two episodes in, and this season already feels like a more natural extension of seasons 1 & 2.

Ah, Monica Lewinsky. Good times.

Speaking of Hank, I think he is now the only vanilla-flavored human on the show.

With Bud as the narrator. YES.

Hmm. Are we going with that, or are we bowing to Les's authority and sticking with "Wu-wolf"?

We need to start a BRING BACK BUD petition.

She's one of those kids who totally looks like they could be the human mouthpiece for a hostile alien race.

Definitely a better episode than last week. And a great review, too.

So, I don't necessarily want to defend Nick, especially given how he treated Juliet. But just to speculate on what's going on behind that exquisite forehead, I wonder if Nick is waiting for Adalind to tell him, because he's afraid that confronting her with the information will make her panic, lash out, and/or run. And

Which is not surprising, considering that she'll probably be finishing grad school in another 3 years…

Diana's willingness to just roll with the constant change in kidnappers has always seemed weird to me. But what I find weirder is the fact that neither Renard nor Adalind was fazed by the fact that their daughter is now 7 or 8 years old.

For some reason, I really loved: “Well, he’s not coming in our car.” So dickish, and yet for some reason, really funny.

Oh, man. Quantico. I am totally a tv bottom-feeder, but even I couldn't stick with that one.

I would really like this. Zuri was separatist but not violent or hostile, and it would be nice to think that some Wessen would want to stop short of hurting ordinary people.

That moment was the most I've ever liked Lincoln. I actually felt for him there!

But it is an excuse for not remembering anything you learn…