
I don't think he is either. I'm ambivalent about this plotline, but I have to say, I kind of enjoyed watching Liv & Co. react to Blaine telling them "I felt bad for you guys" with seeming sincerity. The words coming out of his mouth felt so perfectly wrong and unnatural, that it was almost fun.

I also thought last season's finale was a smidge better. I think partly it's because it's really hard to top an action sequence as perfect as the Der Kommissar shoot-out. And I think partly it's because there were so many plotlines wrapped up in two hours. To accomplish that, the pacing was frenetic. Which made things

I actually think that's a good point. They haven't made it clear what the difference is between energy-drink zombies and scratched zombies. And since only 4 or 5 people at the party took the tainted Utopium with the SuperMaxx, the rest of the raging zombies at the party must have been infected by scratches or bites.

Of all his fatherly lectures, I think that one was the (simultaneously) Best/Worst.

Killing Liv's perfect zombie boyfriends is starting to seem like a running gag.

Yeah, I went back and forth about that watching the episode. What does Blaine get from maintaining the amnesia if it's fake? The amnesia set up a chain of events that inevitably led to Mr. Boss learning that Blaine was alive. I can see lots of downsides to the amnesia and no real advantages.

Good point. She could've been the Anya to their Scoobies.

I know it's best that he goes out in a blaze of glory brain-eating. But damn. I will miss your relentlessly perky sociopathic douchebaggery, Vaughn Du Clark.

But #5 is pretty good too!

I thought the puppy scene was devastating and McCarthy amazing. I think Joan Allen's character may know that New Adam isn't her son and is covering it up. But how that would square with her anxiety at the dungeon and her sleeping in the closet, I don't know.

Hey Les, I read your review of the pilot from your salad days and it was spot-on. We're lucky to have you, watching Grimm with us.

Nah. Even Hydra has the sense to be afraid of high-risk derivatives.


Now if they'd only refer to him as Daisy's Dildo, I'd actually remember who they're talking about!

Hey. He was the most powerful man in the world…if by "world" you meant, say, "Cornwall."

Maybe you have to take Portland's quirky, egalitarian culture into consideration. Perhaps "Sergeant" and "Captain" are merely honorary titles in the PPD, awarded by election each year to the cop with the wittiest comebacks and the cop with the best six-pack, respectively.

Sigh. Still one of my favorite lines from the show: "I think it's time we settle our differences. Violently."

I feel like that's a conversation we need to see. Preferably while both Nick and Adalind are shirtless.

Nice explanation!

Actually, Buffy made a huge deal about the difference between what Spike did with a soul and what Spike did without one. Arguably, you could argue that there's a similar difference between what Adalind or Juliette did as Hexenbiests and what they did as humans—if you buy into the idea that being a Hexenbiest damages