
I was just wondering last night after watching Agent Carter, how much better Dollhouse would have been if Enver Gjokaj had been the lead "doll", rather than Dushku.

I think hanging out with the Grimmsters has really clouded Renard's political radar. He seems sincerely clueless about the evil redhead's intentions, and this was a guy who was taxing illegal Wesen cage-matches and ordering political hits during season 1.

And this has been…Your Weekly Minute of Bud.

I actually have very fond memories of Buffy-Spike mutual loathing sex! I would be extremely on board for some building-destroying Nick-(re-hexed)Adalind antipathetic romance!

Maybe the amount of time you spend as a zombie pre-cure has some impact on the reversion rate? I hope so, anyway, I am very worried about Major!

On the roommate front, the thing I've been wondering lately is how she kept Peyton from noticing or accidentally eating human brains. She and Peyton seem like roomies who would, under other conditions, naturally share food. Did Liv keep her meals at the morgue last season? Or did the heavy application of hot sauce

Hmm. The scone prep sped by so quickly I didn't catch all the ingredients, but looking at them I thought she could have tossed in some minced garlic and Parmesan.

Do you think the brain scones were sweet or savory?

So do we really think Drake hasn't twigged to Blaine's drug operation, or is he trying to stave off the zombie apocalypse by keeping Seattle's brain supplier out of jail? Hard to think that a cop smart enough to fool Mr. Boss hasn't connected the dots.

Not going to lie: I found the look of utter terror on Rita's face as Liv loomed over her extremely delicious.

I wondering if anyone else caught that. A very nice vintage of Chekhov's wine.

Don't forget the tasty brain scones!

I want to know where he buys his pants.

But Starbucks is so much better on Earth-2!

But what kind of Wesen? I'm thinking Fuchsbau!

Eh, I think Juliette was just temping at the Vet's—I doubt they've seen her for a couple of seasons.

But they were all bad zombies!

I was just thinking that!

I feel like I could be ambivalently interested in Adalind/Nick, if Adalind has any personality left and Nick was allowed to have any complicated feelings. But I feel like Adalind has become kind of a needy non-entity this season, and Nick seems to brush off nearly everything that should trouble him, from Trubel's