
I thought something similar about Anna/Svetta. She seemed so obviously a plant—especially in the scene where she seemed/pretended to cold-read Scully with a bunch of information Svetta could have researched (i.e., that Scully and Mulder were exes and Scully left him b/c he is so obviously unstable), then followed that

Personally, I was just really relieved at the end that it was "Morland gets in touch with his estranged son because someone is trying to kill him" rather than "Moreland gets in touch with his estranged son because Morland is dying." The lingering attention on his eating and the pill bottle on his desk had me worried.

Fine point!

I was thinking that too. And it wasn't as if the NYPD would've needed Sherlock to solve that particular crime. Bell and Gregson were very aware that Kitty was the perp.

I may be a minority of one here, but I don't think that it's a problem for fictional characters to make assertions that are hypocritical or inconsistent with their past behavior. In part because I don't believe any actual humans have lived to adulthood and managed to do otherwise. The show has portrayed Sherlock as

Extra applause to that last para—one upvote isn't enough!

I liked picturing him burrowing in the yard…very sad that climate change no longer allows Clyde his free range hibernating.

That is the worst. Seriously. So sorry for your loss.

That legendary Buffy schtick will never not be funny.

Ah. So we're still pretending that Juliette had a real job?

Good handwaving there.

It's possible. But emotionally, Trubel still has that young-adult vibe, that makes Meisner seem too old for boyfriend material. For some reason, I'm wondering if "Eve" and Meisner might be hooking up. Meisner has just enough of a shady streak for me to picture it, and it would be one of the worst possible outcomes

Thanks for explaining that—I was completely befuddled by that exchange.

I was wondering if Kenneth's power came from his royal blood somehow. If so, maybe Meisner's some sort of part-royal as well? There has been all this insinuation that there's something special about royal blood, but we've never seen anything to substantiate it, aside from Kenneth's strength.

That's some excellent hand-waving there.

And she made a point of looking super-awkward while doing it.

If it's a spinal injury she can totally still have kids. If they're going there I hope they don't perpetuate that fallacy. Only way those bullets make her infertile is if they puncture her uterus.

Right there with you. Despite his limited screen time, he already has more personality than Lincoln.

I think of it as an ensemble show too. I definitely felt like the back half of last season was devoted more to Daisy than to Coulson.

I regret that I have but one upvote to give for this comment.