
Thanks Carrie, great review.

This is dead-on (no pun intended).

Mind's Eye.

Thanks—I didn't catch that. But it is hilarious.

Does it seem like the brains are affecting Liv more this season? My impression last season was that the brains were influencing her, but not controlling her. I also thought the fact that the brains seemed to have more of an effect on Liv than other zombies was that Liv's desire to solve murders made her embrace each

Honestly, making Ward the host for the Big Bad was so predictable that I didn't expect them to do it. I thought for sure that Coulson or Fitz was going to be the host. Oh well.

However much I may not agree with Mr. Sava's reviews, I hope his personal matter isn't serious.

Great point—it did make Ravi's scene with the rat much more devastating. And it served to remind us that Blaine is a really, really bad guy.

I thought the zombie call-girl subplot was really poignant. The description of her life post-infection was so wretched, Major's relief at finally telling someone was so cathartic. And the two actors had excellent chemistry, to boot. It reminded me of the Buffy episode "Conversations with Dead People."

Yeah, the whole "informing the new zombie" scene with Drake was designed to set up her description of her pimp.

I've really enjoyed this season much more than last. The first couple episodes felt a little rusty, but since then it's been a really fun ride.


If Patty were a civilian, I would cut Barry some slack. It's a big secret and they haven't been dating that long. It takes time to get to the point where you know you can trust someone with the stuff that makes you most vulnerable. But the fact that she's on the metahuman task force makes it so impractical—he really

I can see Trubel finally being convinced to cooperate if they showed her how close they are to a murderous Wesen uprising. But the cell thing made no sense. Especially if they're letting her carry passports and DL's while roaming around on the Grimmcycle.

The Rat King should have gotten its own episode. There was so much potential for weirdness there. And weirdness is one of the show's best features.

Yes! I could see Nick not wanting to get official police protection because of all the complications and information leakage. But I kept telling the TV screen to send Monroe to the hospital to watch her.

I get exactly what you're saying. A large part of this show's appeal for me are all the funny moments with (mostly) likeable characters. What I've been impressed with this season is the serialized plotting—the Wesen conspiracy plot has been relatively concrete, straightforward (compared with the Royals) and menacing.

I found that infuriating. I hate it when the writers use stupidity on the part of Nick or the Grimmsters as a plot device. They have done that way too often in the past.

I think "awkward bonding" is exactly how it should go. I don't think Adalind is maternal with anyone but her own children. But honestly, they've so completely drained Adalind of personality this season, that it's hard to predict how she'll behave with Trubel. I get that they are trying to present de-hexenbiested

Thanks for the great and thoughtful review, Les. You really nailed the central problem with this episode.