
Yes, complete with a fanficish absence of real personality or content!

Everyone hangs this particular thread of Adalind-condemnation on Elizabeth and Henrietta's supposed moral rectitude. And I know I sound repetitive, but I think it's an unwarranted leap to assume that just because Elizabeth & Henrietta were momentary allies, they weren't/aren't also killers.

Or rather, we flash-mob.

Please don't have this conversation with Oliver Sava.


400+ comments and no one wants to talk about the best thing in this episode—Oliver's "hippie-crunchy" green business policies?! Come on, Commie-Ollie is almost as good as the goatee!

Plus, with Moria gone, Willa Holland is their most competent actress.

I know. It's crazy—committing to actual character development, where Oliver changes his ways—not easily, not overnight and not without support from his friends to nudge him back on track. Way to go, show!

I think at some point we're going to need to handwave Waller shooting him up with some kind of ARGOS language-learning serum for one of her missions

Hey—not a comment on the show, but on the review: thanks Alasdair. I really appreciate and enjoy these reviews, which consistently combine a real understanding and affection for what the show is aiming for with thoughtful criticism of what doesn't work.

I would read this fanfic.

With a touch of Spike thrown in—in the sense that he's been partly neutered by love.

I know Adalind has said she doesn't want her powers back, but I wonder if not having them is intensifying her fear and clingyness.

I thought Nick was selling the tunnels as a means of escape *after* the Verrat descend on them through the roof.

Oh man, I liked "enthusiastic weirdo" Juliette too. I think there could have been some potential for her regularly nerding out with Monroe about the science of wesenness. It;s too bad the writers couldn't have stuck with that and developed it.

I agree. I think there's some overselling of Elizabeth's and Henrietta's moral virtue. What we know is that they both seemed relatively in control of their powers. But they were both older women who may have had time to become more stable. And frankly, both of them also seemed to me like people who could and would

I bet the place was rehabbed by a bunch of grateful Eisbibers.

You were not the only one.

Which is not to say that Oliver is always wrong about the dramatic aspects of the show—I mean, who wasn't groaning when Andrew said he "lashed out"? This felt like an episode with way too many moving parts, and that did seem to draw away from the execution of the central plot. I can imagine a much more powerful

I do feel that the reviews frequently focus on how, in the reviewer's opinion, the episode compares to Marvel's comics/graphic novel oeuvre. I am not a comics reader and I find little that is helpful in that content. I realize that there are probably a lot of Marvel readers who watch this show, and so I can appreciate