
Speaking of world-building, I just wanted to note how amazing The Barber's shop was. Some shows would have just made it a generic place filled with extras. Instead we had the lawyer and the assistant bookie trading funny back-and-forths with their boss (played by a fairly awesome TV character actor), making the set

I think the over-schmoopification this ep might be a deliberate choice on the show-runners' part, to make the inevitable looming disaster all that more anguished.

I agree.

No, the guy with the small children was recent. One of Major's first victims was one of his training clients who had teenaged kids.

That's a really, really great point. You can only kill so many homeless kids a week without eventually drawing more than Major's attention, so Liv has probably been eating a lot more brain matter. Maybe a few fine sushi-slices of human brain a day is all zombies need for normal intellectual functioning, so the more

I feel like he's sort of BtVS Season 3 Spike. Still mostly evil, yet a distant member of the family.

I hate that shade of red on everyone, but Viola Davis did make it almost bearable. I also am an outlier in hating the cut of the dress—to me it looked like a bathrobe with a tiny leather belt.

Your number one is super smart—given what we know about Bonnie, using her as misdirection would make so much sense.

I think she dinged it for the court cases, though I agree, she dinged it by too much.

I think if he were her nephew, she would have taken him in after his mom's death. I don't see how her connection to him would have to be secret if he were her sister's or brother's child.

I did also!

I had this crazy thought: What if Wes was Bonnie's baby? Not from the incest, obviously, but from some later sexual misadventure. Bonnie's clearly some off-the-charts mix of anti-social and borderline personality disorders, and a teen pregnancy would fit with her decision-making tendencies.

This works for me.

Great idea! Watching Nick adapt to an all-vegan regime could be entertaining! Even more so if Trubel moves back in!

I don't think they specified the duration of the effect when they were making it. And given Adalind's desperation at the time, I could see her trying to imply, without outright lying, that the stuff would last longer than it actually does.

Yeah, I want them to remain weird, awkward platonic roomies. I think their backstories have a lot more potential for co-habitation humor if they don't bang. And I think we can still enjoy their chemistry.

So I'm just saying this as purely my own opinion, and I totally get that you feel differently, and please know I respect that and in no way want to invalidate your feelings. For me, having sex with someone while believing they were someone else, while super-gross, would not for lead to the same sense of violation (for

Me too!

OMG that's it! They need to find a Wesen realtor! Bud needs to hook them up, after the human realtor strikes out dismally! Oh show, please make this happen!

That's exactly where I've gone with this. I think it's a combination of the hexenbiest-suppression and her intense desire for things to turn out differently with Kelly. I really think she would do anything to keep her kid, and that includes giving up the powers she fought so hard to get back.