
I played a lot of halo 3, and there barely ever were those "racist teens". honestly words are just words, slurs and curses sometimes just come out with no ill intent. people who are targeted by those slurs (?), you know what i mean, say that stuff to alllll the time. i would never say it out of hate but to my friends?

I'm not ashamed to say I am a digimon fan!

please don't tell me their big exclusives are killzone (which is horrible) and infamous which is only okay. also the problem was mostly with kinect, languages and all that. plus they had a strategy of making more consoles available in less regions. ps4 had huge supply constraints worldwide

yet 360 still outsells ps3

sony console sales will slow down once people realize how overhyped the ps4 is. people fell into the trap early thinking allllll these games would come out. it takes years for their exclusives to churn out

hahaha all this controversy and this is the firs thing that comes to mind. this is why i don't trust sony. before you say it, i know they aren't making this game but it's exclusive on one of their systems, and it's a continuing trend i see with THEIR games

so a novella thing actually makes this series better? must be written by jesus

i think "trash" is a harsh word

it is on ps4, but sony people don't play many mp games

when i was a kid i loved sonic more than mario

ps now seems to be a waste as of right now.

this sounds amazing

i am so excited. i was always more of a family guy fan, well i watched the simpsons until i discovered family when i was in middle school. sooo long ago

give me a console game damn it!

hot. my new crush

and this movie will suck. videogame movies ugh

arianne Martell isn't important at all. i mean she is a pov character, but useless. my LEAST favorite pov. lol she's mostly only in 4th book (the book many don't like)

I can't believe how much Rooster teeth has grown over the years, I started watching rvb back in late high school, in like 2006/07 and that's all they really had. i mean they experimented with other shows they cancelled like strangerhood... anyways yeah tons of growth over the years to the point that RTX is huge and

you know i highly neglected my psp when i first got it.. so I guess i have a game to buy! unless it's impossible to find, then ill do pc i guess

I never talk in online games really. only in parties. I have tons of social skills, and I'm guessing you're one of those losers/nerds with no friends and that you have no idea what it's like to touch a woman. oh well. I never understood this misconception of 10 yr olds that go around calling people "gay or fags".