
Also, can you imagine her hospital, doctor, and therapy bills?

Fucking yup. If some maniac attempts to beat me to death, damn right I can tell my story for money if I so choose. Fuck this whining woman beater.

Okay, serious question that may be easily misconstrued, but whatever.

I’m not going to begrudge anyone who survived a brutal attack the right to make money from that. She’s profiting from telling her story? I’m cool with that.

I don’t think ANYONE should feel comfortable with the idea of this engine of destruction (oh, sorry, “War Machine”) getting out of jail in 2-5. Not Christy Mack, not the prosecutors, not the American public, not anyone.

I lurked on the poly subreddit for a while as people watching and it seems like this is often the case, where only one partner has multiple partners and the other is okay with that and prefers only having one partner.

To be fair if I’m witness to someone taking their own life and there is alcohol available, there is a very good chance I will drink enough to educe a Gob Bluth style forget me now.

One of the things I’ve always hated about historical fiction is the plethora of white men who, despite living in racist towns during racist time periods, are not racist at all and oppose racism. Did such people exist? Yes, certainly a few of them did, but they were far from the majority. Yet historical fiction would

Shocked by the actual question, no. Shocked by a customer asking it, yes. Context.

Am I the only person that knows open couples that have used this site specifically for relative anonymity?


It is not good hygiene to use soap inside of your labia. Please do not do this. Soap is only appropriate on the external parts of your vulva. By all means clean the external skin of your labia majora and your pubic hair (if applicable). Use only warm water and if necessary, gentle scrubbing with a washcloth to clean

It’s absolutely true that it isn’t douching. But it’s also the case that soap should not be used inside of your labia majora or anywhere internal to that. Soap should not be used on mucous membranes because it can cause infection and disturb the pH balance. Bubble baths are a major source of infection for women,

Oh, the shaaame makers feel when they’re that behind schedule is a very real and painful phenomenon among the plethora of makers I know. It commonly spirals into avoidance. It’s destructive and ugly and hard to watch.

I like this, I like it a lot. Whenever people ask me what I’ll do if I eventually regret my tattoo I say, “Look, I have all kinds of marks on my body that I didn’t ask for and I don’t like. I have scars, I have stretch marks, funny freckles, weird bumps, whatever. Those are all permanent too. I CHOOSE my tattoo, and I

I hate all these celebrity paternity stories (this one, the constant rumors about Khloe Kardashian, etc.). Regardless of the DNA test, Bill Clinton is her father. That’s how parenthood works. Biological origins are useful for medical histories, and that’s about it; they are certainly of no use to the public. All of

What babe?!

your friend is without a doubt living not just her best life, but the best life one can live.

Don’t do brownface ever at all is actually a good tenet by which to live one’s life