Read the whole source article. I'm pretty sure it says that the guy wanted to propose on the beach and the bride INSISTED on him proposing at the reception.
Read the whole source article. I'm pretty sure it says that the guy wanted to propose on the beach and the bride INSISTED on him proposing at the reception.
I don’t know, though. I’d be ok with my sister getting proposed to at my wedding (although that won’t happen, seeing as I’m not engaged and my sis is already married) because I love her so much and I don’t care about being the star of the show. It would be even more exciting than a regular wedding, IMO.
This kind of thing seems to happen a lot on the internet.
UGH, I feel this comment HARD, especially the “feeling like a total outsider at cultural events” part. Sometimes I think I should wear a sign around my neck that says “I’M ACTUALLY NIKKEI, NOT JUST A WEIRD FANGIRL/FETISHIST, I DON’T EVEN WATCH AN ANIME I S2G.” Not to mention this was the story of my life growing up…
I got side-eye because my baby girl (which you could only tell because I’d stuck her in these stupidly cute pink, ruffled, flower-print swim bottoms) didn’t have a shirt. I put her in the equally stupidly cute green bottoms with elephants and everyone at the pool is all smiles for my handsome little man.
I let my 19 month old run around in just in swim bottoms because 1) she’s 19 months old, there is nothing remotely sexual about her pre-pre-pre-pubescent body 2) I ain’t got time to try an wrestle a wrigling toddler out of a wet lycra top or, god forbid a 1-piece swimsuit. Last year, I got some side-eye for this (yes,…
Anybody else remember how outspoken this shitbag was about insisting Bill Clinton get impeached for his sexual misconduct? Anybody also remember how homophobic Speaker Hastert was? Anybody further remember how he was a staunch member of the Christian Coalition that crammed “family values” down our throats? Good times.…
Jesus christ. I wrote up this sign and was like, “Ah, this is good. This is an accurate and respectful and totally legal sign that will cause no problems and is totally fine to post in public. Good job, me!”? How dumb and/or racist do you have to be to write this bullshit?
i think that question in itself is a dead end and a huge distraction from abortion rights, subsidized daycare, racism in criminal justice and maternity leave
umm, I could’ve sworn that “flaca” means “skinny.”
From my time spent with my Panamanian ex and his family, flaca/o means skinny. Not “pretty woman.” I know because both myself and my ex’s mom are pretty skinny women and Sr. and Jr. used to call us by that name.
It always blows my mind as well. I have a daughter (no sons) but I’ve observed this bizarre dissociation within my family. One notable example: when one of my cousins told his mother that his girlfriend was pregnant (he was 15 at the time), my aunt FREAKED OUT that the girlfriend wasn’t on birth control, and called…
The article glosses over it, but I would argue one of the biggest victims here is Ruth. Catfishing sucks, there is no doubt - but Ruth has had someone seriously stalking her life and endangering her - imagine if a jilted boyfriend managed to track down Ruth thinking she was Leah, and got violent!
I cried at my wedding as soon as I saw my wife walking down the aisle. I also cried the first time I heard my daughter’s heartbeat on the ultrasound, when I found out she was a girl, the first time that I held her, and sometimes when I rock her to sleep.
I teared up and cried a bit. My husband, however, ugly-sobbed his way through it. It was amazing.
I never used one. You are over thinking this though. I did put my kids in overalls as toddlers and that’s practically the same thing. You can hold onto them by the straps or catch them by grabbing the straps.
Until your child is more trainable than a dog I think a leash is totally appropriate.
Mine will have to be a Blind Item lest I doxx myself. The celebrity in question is a actress in her 30s who has done movies but is better known for her television work. She’s also much nicer than this story makes her sound. That said...
yeah like LGBT dating in russia.