
Sooooo, I work downtown southern urban city. There is a mental health hospital, and a train station, close by downtown. When people get released from the MH hospital and they have nowhere to go, the powers that be take them to the train station. And they are forever known as the downtown homeless.

Right? Who cares? Also, in the Defamer comments a lot of people talked about how she jokingly calls every birthday her “29th” birthday. But even if it’s not a joke and she does try to pass as younger, are people REALLY going to be mad at her for that? Women in Hollywood do that ALL THE TIME because it’s an ageist and

People love to point out that decriminalization of sex work increases reported abuses. Yes, obviously, why would anyone bother reporting abuse in a system that is entirely illegal?

Who are these people who are so fucking blatant about the fact that they’re racist, sexist pieces of shit?

...a photo of a woman with a black eye, and the tagline, “Domestic violence. Because sometimes, you have to tell her more than once.”

When I was about 12, I was watching the news with my socially-conservative, Christian, moderate-republican dad (it was the 80s if this is confusing... Such ppl were common back then, as was “watching the news”) and I remarked that I was 100% anti-abortion/prolife, and he said something to the effect of “you can’t

I come from a giant family too, and it’s interesting how much “more related” I feel to equally distant cousins on one side of the family than the other. One side I grew up seeing all the time, so second-once-removed and even third cousins feel like family, but second cousins on the other side are actual strangers.

Uber is horrible and this article is great, but I think some commenters on here would do well to remember that this type of thing also happens all the fucking time in regular cabs. You can spout off all of the information you want about background checks, etc. - the fact of the matter is that basically every woman I

We don’t have Uber in my city (yet). An acquaintance is a sex crimes investigator in the city. There were SEVERAL sexual assaults on women over the 10 day period of our annual summer festival, perpetrated by licensed cab drivers. In cabs with partitions. They didn’t make the media, for whatever reason. I only know,

I was trying to explain the concept of being afraid of men to my husband the other night when he mentioned how nice it was that this woman on the train was being so nice to this loud drunk guy. I said she was probably afraid of him; he said she was just being nice. I said she was being nice so he would not

I think you just taught me a life skill

I am fucking tired of hearing “But not all cops are like that.” Fucking stop having solidarity with your crooked-as-fuck brothers in blue and we’ll stop viewing you as a monolithic, corrupt body. You either are an organization of individuals, with those individuals responsible for their behaviour, or you aren’t, but

Yes yes yes and amen!! Grossout is as grossout does when it comes to pure entertainment value, of course— but grossout can also make a fine defense-mechanism. After all, on any given morning in a shared squat or crust-punk crash pad, you don’t need to know who might belong to that boner trying to touch your butt in

Knowing your rights doesn’t really help if they still seem to be able to arrest you regardless.

According to NBC 4, dozens of New Yorkers filed complaints last year charging that NYPD officers physically lashed out at citizens for attempting to film police confrontation, despite the fact that it is fully legal to film the police.

Gee, that’s a relief. I’m glad it wasn’t men doing these things to me all this time, because men aren’t like that.

The shame and creep factor in these stories are heartbreaking, but what struck me the most was how many stories involved girls having to give up activities because of sexual attention/harassment from older men. This is why women end up having to try harder. They get discouraged from activities, sports, etc. from such

Yeah, they sent the photos to the boys... who posted them on the Internet. Which is why they’re in trouble. You read good.

If your daughters know this they will make sure you never know anything to protect you. I know how you feel, but keep the macho speeches in check around them if you really want what’s best.