They also make the location more visible and promote customer traffic in and out: the more people around, the less vulnerable the sex workers are to being isolated and abused.
They also make the location more visible and promote customer traffic in and out: the more people around, the less vulnerable the sex workers are to being isolated and abused.
They kind of are. It is a physical embodiment of “sending the industry underground”- in the sense that you literally cannot see the industry anymore.
Firstly: Please change the word Prostitute to Sex Worker. Prositute is a slur. Sex Worker is used for scientific accuracy and an respect, by the UN, WHO many governments, and basically anyone who is’t anti-sex work or whorephobic.
“How does this do X?” and “Why would they want X?”
I love when people try to rationalize their assholery. I work retail and when people are being dicks about coupons or discounts they always say "it's not the money, it's the principle" Look Lady, if you're going to scream at one of my teenage employees over 87 cents you're a dick. The principle you need to embrace…
I'm sure the baby and its diaper was minor to whatever shenanigans you claim to have undertaken as a seafood restaurant employee:…
Why does that sound like a fetish?
Christ, why is the dad's girlfriend always getting beaten up or thrown through glass? Barring her doing some terrible thing, that rage should not be directed at the random gf... Not that the dad should necessarily be thrown through a window but I imagine he is more deserving of scorn than someone who was just invited…
Dammit! I missed this one!
Your "dear sweet grandmother" had a problem with her ex-husband, and resolved it by assaulting an innocent woman? AND managed to slut shame her at the same time with the 'floozie' epithet? Yeah, she sounds great...
This is for real and is so easy to incorporate.
DS on the playground — so-and-so won't let me join their game. Me — it's ok for them to have their own game, even though it's disappointing to not be included. what not start your own game and ask some-other-kid to join you?
Usually that works out well. No one is bad.…
Yep. My son, at 8 years old, was all sad in the car when I picked him up from school because, and I quote, Imani 'rejected' him. I explained that she didn't reject him, she just didn't like him the way he liked her, and that's going to happen a lot in life, and that it is OK, and Imani is still a nice girl, and he's…
at the bachelor party the night previous, my uncle (the best man) placed his drunken best friend, bereft of clothes, on a freight car headed to Alaska.
The absolute cutest thing at my wedding are the pictures I have of my ring bearer. He is playing with a toy car in the dirt at our feet while we said our vows. They are my absolute favorite pictures.
I always wondered why in all the photos of my parents wedding, my mother was always strategically placed standing behind the cake, a table, or a family member. But then I did the math between their wedding, April 25th, 1970, and my birth October 9th, 1970...
I have read the thread, and- you're not going to like this- I have to say that the responses that I found the most shocking were yours. You say you were backed into a corner, that you went on the defensive- does that absolve you?
I just went and read that comment thread. You probably should have quit sooner. (Not that I would necessarily be any better at quitting sooner, you understand.)
I haven't followed the thread you are talking about, but one thing I have learned on here is that when a conversation gets too heated, the best thing for me is to stop responding and/or delete responses. If the conversation isn't productive or if it gets to the point where you are just trading insults, walk away.
This is part of that whole "small government" thing, right?
Small enough to fit snugly next to our genitals.