
Except that the police aren’t our friends and aren’t looking to help sex workers. I know more pals in the industry who have been assaulted/robbed by cops than by clients. Arresting our clients makes it more difficult to make a living and bring us into contact with assholes with guns who give weird, moralistic lectures

I love milk but I’m not leaving the bathroom all day if I have it. I find most people who use soy/almond/hemp/rice/etc. milk don’t drink it, so much as use it on cereal, in recipes, or a base for smoothies. I have seen people drink it, though.

Absolutely. The post just sounded like it was implying that there was a problem in cases where one partner saw other people and other didn’t, which is a pretty common attitude.

I’ve been in open relationships where both of us slept with other people, only I did, or only the other person did. Sometimes I only slept with women. Others the gender of my other partners was irrelevant. The situations don’t have to be the exact same for both parties for them to be legitimate. As long as everyone is

My cousin was already slim but out of nowhere she started losing weight (~ 37 years old), eventually hitting 70lbs (she’s at least 5’7” since she’s taller than I am). We all thought it was the stress of her job, but basically eating almost anything was physically agonizing. We were all so relieved when she was

An old co-worker was washing dishes and saw a family get out of the car to pet her mom’s awful little dog (this was some distance away as it was a farm and the dog was on a long lead). After turning her back to put some dried plates away, she looked back and the car, family, and dog were gone. She felt awful for not

My grandparents’ phone number was one digit off from a pizza place (1661 vs. 1161, I think) and they had people calling in orders every other day. They were very sweet about it, but I can see someone getting annoyed and deciding to have fun with it.

Yeah, it was disrespectful for Blacks to use white-only fountains, for inter-racial couples to marry, aboriginal people to travel off reserve without the Indian Agent’s consent, etc., etc.

Laws are made by those with power, which tends to result in laws that are unjust to those with less power. Disobeying unjust laws

I can’t imagine wanting to carry a gun around with me. I come from a hunting/farm family and we kept rifles for hunting and putting down animals if a vet couldn’t reach us in a reasonable time. I’ve since moved to the big city and been followed, mugged at knifepoint, etc. and never once did I think, “I wish I had a

Right? Some people are just really that comfortable with a pal they don’t want to bone. A bunch of us woke up late after a party once and all had to be in public and decent in, like, 10 minutes, so three of us hopped in the shower together and speed-washed. It’s not for every one, but I don’t see it as super odd,

Within three months my great-great-great-grandparents lost three sons and had another. The only reasons I know this is that they all died in a census year of “croup”, and you had to list members of a household who died that year. Doing other work on cemetery records for a historical society, it wasn’t rare to see

Yeah, lots of animals eat it to replace the energy that they’ve just spent giving birth, and also to leave less of a bloody mess that will attract predators to their weak, new babbies. I don’t see how eating it would do us any harm, but I think nowadays most of us would rather just eat some pizza or something. My mom

I recently discovered my grandfather is part Black, something no one else in the family seems to know. I always wondered why he and my grandmother chose to adopt when their small community was very opposed to the concept (I don’t really know why). Grandpa told everyone his ancestry was Dutch, which made no sense to

I’m the femme-iest of femmes, but I love wearing men’s scents. I’m a dick wrangler by trade, so at work I stick to subtle, ladylike perfume oils, but on my time I’m all about the dude smells and unisex scents. I think it began with a crush I had who would visit from out of town when I was 14. She was pretty girly, but

Some people just aren’t the angry type. I get mad, like, once a year. I’ve been cheated on a bunch, and it’s made me sad and humiliated, but not angry. Sometimes I’ve cut them off without a word after, and sometimes I’ve let them apologize first and ended up cordial over time, but why be angry? I’m disappointed I

I used to squeeze therapy in after doing a night shift (woo, publications!). I might nap 2 hours before heading out, but fuck sacrificing sleep for a shower or makeup. I’d pull on some sweats, toss my hair up in a greasy bun, and head over. I made sure to tell her that I actually do bathe regularly and wear “real

Likely for real. I’ve been told I’m gay because my parents divorced. Also that I can’t be gay because I’ve fucked [number] men, but wait, how can I KNOW I’m gay if I’ve only fucked [number] men? Some people (read: “men”) have a really hard time accepting that women they’d consider boning can really, truly be gay.

Yeah, people always add 2-3” inches when they guess my height, sometimes even when I’m standing next to them. One friend suggested that it’s because I’m lean with long legs, so I appear taller. I think this might be the key, because two people can be the same height but one appear shorter because of their overall

I wear them to weddings, funerals, and vintage clothing sales/expositions. A girl I used to date would always borrow mine so eventually we just started going dancing while wearing matching hats. Made it easy to find her across the bar since she was, like, 5’ if she stretched. It also made us repulsive to men (bonus!).

I’ve read a fair number of posts by plus-size women or women who are not considered conventionally attractive mentioning that they feel somewhat validated by cat calling. And when I think about it, the worst part about cat calling for me (unless it’s obscene) is its frequency. Whether I’m in shorts or a snowsuit, it’s