
Look, I'm nutty about dogs, and don't blame them for how Ramsey trained them, or the fact they were starved. And since we're talking fictional dogs here too, it's easier. But even in reality, I'd say that a life never leaving a kennel or interacting with humans or other dogs is no life for a dog, and putting them down

Oh I can watch the series, Walking Dead and Fear, but I don't think anyone bothers to upload talking dead or fear the talking dead or whatever it's called, do they?

Especially since Baylon just…erm…died. So much for that motto.

I doubt the writers know either. Look, since I heard that they didn't have a backstory written for Strand while shooting the first season, that they filled in those blanks between seasons, all bets are off.

I can't watch TD in my country, and I had no idea Sasha was a fire fighter.

Do you think that's the last we see of (Alex? Is it?) the woman from the plane? She has been the most intriguing character by far, and I didn't even see the mini episodes. I assumed she'd be back somehow, at some point.

I've had worse housemates…

I love how Maddison confronted Nick while he was showering off zombie guts (only to cover himself with them again later that same day to go after Travis). All this time, he hasn't explained to her that the guts disguise him? She gave him that motherly speech about "going off for hours, coming back covered in…whatever

I know it's pretty off topic, but just wondering what about the Lizzie storyline bothered you? I was quite impressed with it, and The Grove remains one of my favourite TWD episodes.

Um…. what?

I'd like to see Chris try to kill Alicia. I have a feeling she would kick his ass. *disclaimer* I haven't seen the show others have mentioned where she was a badass, she just strikes me as having potential when her back is against a wall*

You did an impressive amount of research for this episode!

Madison was such a stone cold bitch to her at that moment, and for absolutely no reason. Granted, we, the audience know now that she's screwy, but Madison didn't.

Ten months until the next season??

The funeral directors epic side eye while Norman was reading a eulogy to an empty room made me laugh as well.

Also "Do you trust me, Alicia?"

I promise you wouldn't regret taking the time to go back and binge watch from the beginning. There are uneven patches in early seasons,yes, but there is some gold in every episode, and personally I think you need to see it from the beginning in order to watch the relationships develop and really feel the complexity

I don't think they will pull a "surprise! He managed to revive her!" fake death scene. I genuinely though when Romero took her pulse before carrying her downstairs, that he was going to be able to revive her. but I think they gave us the scene of him giving up on first aid and cradling her body not only to show his

@phodreaw:disqus, I agree that they were too fast (and he didn't put in a phone call for an ambulance! You should know to do that, Romero!) but Romero would surely be trained in first aid to a fairly advanced level, since he's a sheriff.

Frank Dillane is mixed race, so people going on about his hair seems really tasteless.