
Rick has just as much history with Darryl, going so far as to call him a brother to him, which he hasn't said to Glenn. And he wouldn't not care about Sasha either. I think @ra@racj82:disqus is right in that the others are together and with vehicles, so he's less worried that they might be in trouble, while Glenn and

Sorry, I should have been more clear! Nope, not a bad thing, just from so long ago and my memory is pretty terrible. But I think the skull heath thing made an impact, because while the rest sounded familiar, I knew for sure I'd seen it when you mentioned the bits flying away from the skull.

Why on earth would they say that? I'd have boycotted that channel on principle alone.

I'd repressed memories of this which you just bought back.Thanks!

Just, no. The woman who was 'just slashed' was clearly gutted, bleeding out incredibly fast, and going to die. When the camera pans back, do you see the lake of blood around her? Carol comforted her and also ended her suffering. Her 'moment' afterwards wasn't enjoyment, it was grief, pain that it had come to this

I haven't read any of the comics, but I'm a Morgan fan. People have been crying out for Morgan to join the main cast since the pilot, loving the episodes he was in, and something drastic had to happen to make the Morgan from Clear someone able to join our group. He did need a flashback episode to fill that gap. If for

They're a sorta horizontal rectangle. I like goats as much as anyone can really, but their eyes really are freaky.

Goats graze. I assume he left her out there during the day to eat, and also as a zombie warning system. He bought her in at night.

I never got over Beth's weak willed, lily-livered refusal to do a damn thing for herself or the group. Think of the prison season, Carl was considerably younger than her, but he was already a gun-toting badass. Beth on the other hand, when the prison was over run by walkers and the group was split, left her newly

I use feta a lot, and like someone else said, it's fantastic if you use it sparingly. Home-made pizza made with roasted mediterranean vegetables and a sprinkle of feta is amazing. And I'm a carnivore.

I see! I think I'd find that more of a con than the escape under the dumpster theory, but grudgingly, I'd still take it to keep Glenn around. Thanks for explaining that. :-)

Two Clicks theory? Sorry, I must have missed that one, and I've gone through almost all of the comments, but now I'm curious.

Also done in the film Shutter.

I wasn't sure either, so I went back and re-watched it. It's definitely a machete/knife sticking out of the second walker he kills that slices his hand as he holds it back. They did a shot of the walkers eating where you can see the knife sticking out, then as Rick grabs the second one, they even add a little slicing

I keep forgetting about the magic van moment, so seeing you mention it made me pretty happy. The utter disregard for the laws of physics in service of plot makes me smile. Really, I'm not being snarky, I admire their audacity with that one.

Because he just fell into a horde of zombies and thinks he's fucked? Also watching Nicholas being shredded?

I'm really confused by the Morgan hate I'm seeing around here. I realise the pacifist stuff last week bugged people, but it's been spelled out that he has a reason we will learn, that something major happened in the time between Clear and Moran showing up at Alexandria.

Her little scene with Tara the other week, about how good Glenn is, and how Tara is one of the most important people in the world to her, while Glenn looked on approvingly, made me slap my head and predict that Glenn was going to be next to die.

I like that. Walkers don't grasp and move things, they just sort of blunder. But I think from video clips that they've probably gone the "he slides under the dumpster until walkers are distracted by gunfire' route.

Which was very recently, and you'd think would have occurred to Michonne and Glen, since they've both done it themselves before now.