
You could do a whole article on logical fallacies. I come across a whole bunch on the blogosphere. My current "favorite": trying to discount evidence by saying, "without those examples, then it's not true/so bad!" Yeah buddy, if I exclude the evidence that supports my argument, you'd be right. Nice mental

Taking longer than I thought is the biggest problem I've ran into. I successfully did the NaNoWriMo on Nov, added a bunch since then, and STILL haven't finished. I can't decide if I want to keep my first (ever) novel relatively small and succinct, or to push through and cram everything I want into it. It's a fantasy

I appreciate your reply, I just don't really dig undue praise. I've put words on a computer, a lot of people have done that, and it's not really anything until it's done.

It is so painful to write like crap. I've been trying to write a novel since Nov and I'm astounded by A) how long it's taken, and B) how much more work it's going to take to be worth reading. I particularly hate writing (what I think is) a good scene and then re-reading it and realizing it's garbage.

I just wanted to save everyone some time. :) Besides, I don't get points for them or anything, right? RIGHT???

Introverts who think they're going to die early now, star here.


After living together for over a year and I hadn't murdered him yet, I figured we could do it. #romance

This is another word I'm addicted to. "I just wanted you to know that...." or "I just got off the phone with..."

I'm very addicted to "that"! "I just wanted to tell you that...." or "the reason that the order is late...." I find it clarifies a certain something in especially long sentences.

I also chose this week to stop my coffee/soda intake, which was probably the wrong week to do it >.<

No, I also thought they were too expensive, but conversely I did just pay a lot for a new bed. Maybe that's the next step after the credit card is no longer at dangerous levels.

I swear I have read every article LF has about getting better sleep and getting up in the morning, and I still struggle significantly. Losing the sun in the morning for weeks is awful for me.

Doing the dishes seems to be a great way to incite creativity. It's like a last ditch effort from my brain to alleviate the soul crushing boredom. (I don't have a dishwasher. I AM THE DISHWASHER)

In a world....where no one knows you're totes adorbs....

This is what I think of when you say "fake it till you make it."

Dear The Oatmeal....

I hate the "countdown to X group!" post. It's a worthless endeavor and a pointless comment, and in this case makes it sound like *you're* the asshole.

I've read plenty of Lifehacker articles ;)