I <3 this segment. Are you planning on doing more???
I <3 this segment. Are you planning on doing more???
Hahahahhahah lol bye.
The crafting system is very vague. As someone else called it, there’s a “chicken and the egg” problem. You need nails to make an anvil, but need an anvil to make nails. You open a skill tree but find out you need a different skill tree three levels away to use the first skill. You need to find an item but you have no…
I reaaaaally wanted to like this game, but it’s too unwieldy. I love Harvest Moon games and this was a let down. I imagine it will be better as they continue to fix it, but for now it’s just frustrating.
Many of the early quests don’t pay out. The meat quest she’s referring to is one of the first quests in the game, and after 90 days in-game I’m no closer to finishing it. Most quests don’t give you rewards for completing them — no money, no item, etc — leaving you empty pocketed and frustrated.
In one quest, you get a…
It gets worse the deeper you get into it. Where do I buy seeds? How do I fish? How do I collect moths? Which body parts gives you good skulls? Where do I burn bodies? The list goes on.
I’d wait a little bit for more updates. They’ve been tweaking it and it still needs some work. I am obsessed with Harvest Moon-like games, and after playing this game for almost 2 days straight, I’m very frustrated at it’s lack of guidance. You can spend days, even weeks (in game) to get a thing, only to find out…
Does anyone else hear “You’re My Best Friend” by Queen in the picture of them skipping?
I do not think you should take a baby to the chiropractor.
Chiropractors, in general, seem to get a bad rap. I can spend decades going to an MD, shelling out tens of thousands of dollars, for repeated “I don’t know, how about you take this fistful of pain pills” and they are considered to be “practicing” medicine and…
HOLY CRAP that’s awful. Thankfully (depending on how you look at it) I’m rather estranged from the family so I don’t deal with that.
Though I got a tattoo a few years ago and my mother grumbled about how much she could have done with that money, as if I should have sent my extraneous income to her instead of spending…
Hard pass. I don’t have a good family dynamic (to put it mildly) and my mother would instantly ask for me to support her with any spare dime I had.
Just admit it was Ni Nu Kuni II.
I’m particularly intrigued with the “distortions” tab. Do you have a link to more info? Is there a name for this? I’d like to look into it more.
I recently started playing Light the Way until I had to explain it to my husband. So you just...tap? Unless you don’t tap, and the game plays automatically? FINE I’ll go back to Picross.
Is it just me, or are most holidays rooted in eating, drinking, and boning?
I come back to stare at that gif repeatedly. Lo but I only have one star to give.
So, one year later...how’s it going?