
Any time a guy asks, "Isn't it easier for women?" I think they mean, "They can have all the dick they want, aren't their lives perfect?"

It really depends on what you do for a living, but I spend a lot of time prioritizing my tasks. I do my best to keep my email as thin as possible and folder them once I have completed them (I use gmail). I ask myself who else this task affects, and what would be the consequences if I waited to get it done. I go

That would be a great article. I personally feel like a failure for never having accomplished anything. "What do you want to accomplish?" I don't know, and there's my vicious downward spiral.


4th wallness? You mean "here's all my advice, I personally suck at it?" (I need a new meme, #shitdalailama says. "You should be happy when something makes you upset, because then you can practice your patience. Grr Dalai Lama. GRR oh god now I'm practicing.)

Yes, now that I think about it, it was a lady and her garden. "Having relationships is like having a garden. You have to feed and nuture it and blah blah blah." Allegories are great, I get it. Now tell us how to quit screaming at each other.

Haha that's so true! I had a male friend today complain about "why not to get married," something about how you'll end up cleaning the gutters and wear the same shirt for twenty years. Except....he's ALWAYS doing something like building/electrical/etc AND wears the same coveralls every time I see him. So, checkmate?

I've had terrible luck with male therapists. They come off as condescending and tend to lean towards, "Maybe just stop having so many emotions?" Gah! GAH! ::using imaginary inhaler::

I read the article and it's hilarious!

This is a good idea. I wish my type of work would work like this. I should use this as a calendar sort of thing—"hey team this week X is out or we're having Y on Thursday."

I'm having a panic attack just thinking about it. "Are you sure it's not your fault that your father doesn't love you?" GAH.

Wow. That is an epic level of shit. I lost my medical benefits once and the doctors wouldn't refill my meds without a new appointment that I couldn't afford because I didn't have benefits. So I had to stop cold turkey. They don't call it "withdrawal" but it pretty much is. It was one of the worst things I've ever

You need professional help. It's not "realistic," it's sad and depressing and shitty.

Not really. If they have been through stuff too, that might be helpful, but you get into the "blind leading the blind." Especially based on what you told NorwoodIsMyHero, I think you need to get help. Being in such a bad place that you tell people to leave you is a big sign that you need professional help.

I just got into this whole "rock" thing so ya. I'm not familiar with the game either. I usually don't tell people because I don't want to listen to the shitty responses of "well duh where have you been herp derp lerrrrr."

I thought you were this Dio before I saw the pic

I imagined Wilt from Foster's. (Get it??)

I understand what you mean. My mother is so depressed there's nothing I can do for her. On the other hand, I'm the depressed one in the couple and my partner has done absolutely no work trying to understand it and usually screams at me when I mention I'm depressed.

I really appreciate when LF publishes these articles. I think a lot of people are guilty of the "snap out it!" mentality. Thanks Eric!

They could help you cope with those feelings. They could give you new ways to think about things or let it go. Or better communication skills. Or even justify your feelings. I also like reading anything by the Dalai Lama because he talks about letting go of hate because it's like "drinking poison and hoping the