Thanks for writing this. I wondered if you came up with a report tool? Or a hastag for abusive comments? Do you have a real time method of reporting a comment?
Thanks for writing this. I wondered if you came up with a report tool? Or a hastag for abusive comments? Do you have a real time method of reporting a comment?
Anita is SO WRONG about how we abuse and harass women that I have to spend my entire life sending her emails, facebook messages, tweets, youtube comments and blog posts to PROVE the LIES!
When could you pay a man to fuck you? Or go to a male strip club? I mean, I've played most of the games, but not all of them, and not every inch of each game, so I may have missed it. Never played Ballad of Gay Tony, that might be the one.
Oats in a rice cooker? Tell me more.
I want Marvel Hearts! Damn you Gail, DAMN YOU FOR MAKING ME BELIEEEEEVEEEE!
Yay! I'm a real life girl! Just like....I was before. Dammit.
Does anyone else get giddy at the thought that all these people are old, wrinkled assholes and therefore are doomed to die really soon? No?
It was very boring for me. I hated the story. I hated her heavy breathing crying sobbing. Everyone promised that was an "origin story" and that this one will make up for everything.
Oooo are you the only other person in existence that didn't think Tomb Raider was some kind of messiah of a generation?
Since I don't have 500 hrs in Animal Crossing (do Harvest Moon credits transfer over?) does that mean I'm a dude now and I don't have periods and it will no longer matter to me that my female brethren are treated like crap and I can continue my existence in the warm bask of male ennui?
M*A*C ? I mean, if our great and powerful overlord doesn't object.
When religious people decide to make things like climate change a "religious" topic (or evolution, or whatever), I kinda don't care when scientists use science and facts and study and research and "religious" people get upset that it isn't in line with their belief.
Notice he never said that Christianity was bad, or Buddhism, or Judaism, or Catholicism, or any other religion was bad. Or that believing in God was bad. (He did say that thinking God would swoop in and save us at the last minute from global warming was a bad idea.)
Hit the link to read about HubSpot's other tests. The company you interview with may not use the same ones, but be on the lookout for other similar techniques.
Update: David Cancel mentions in the comments he brings the cup of water for the applicant, not for himself.
I think they call it "Don't Starve" so I remember to leave the computer and feed myself.
Terry Pratchett's stuff is half YA half regular fiction/fantasy, even though it's the same story line or world. I found this out when I went to the library and had to pick up part of it in the YA section. Also COMIC BOOKS FTW.
I wish they had other comparisons than Walmart. And I wonder if which part of the country the store is in makes a difference?
I can't either. Dr. Orpheus was a gateway drug to Dr Strange for me.
I heard a suggestion that instead of saying or thinking, "I don't have the time," rephrase it to, "That's not important to me." If it IS important to you, you have to get rid of something less important to make time for it.