
I meant it's usually several months later that they say, "Oh when did you get that tattoo?" I don't know, 10 years ago?

I have a tattoo on my right wrist and employers always miss it. It's even the hand I shake with.

Seems legit.

Hmm I see your point. I can see what it's done (areas with light rail tend to improve economical from nothing 10 yrs ago to a vibrant corner of the city now, or the aerial tram is so popular now that they don't know what to do). But compared to gondolas? That's tough to follow. :)

I just wonder how we can service everyone but not have to stop every #$*%&ing block. Or the light rail stops and it takes 3-5 minutes each time, times 5 stops downtown, equals holy crap I'm going to die.

I was DEFINITELY referring to my situation only! I've never been on any other system. It's a problem with my town, they forget about those of us not in "downtown" even though they take our taxes. Plus the buses stop every two blocks, and sometimes blocks are only 200ft apart, so some mornings I wanted to scream

I'm hardcore attached to my car. There's this Catch 22, if you're rich enough to live close in to town, you can take the bus everywhere. If you're normal/poor like me, it would take an hour to get into town. Even with our morning traffic jams, it's faster to take the car. And I don't have to be shoved into the

Actually I'm hoping that people will think, "Oh that transit system is soooo amazing! I guess I'll give up my car and bus to work!" and then I'll have the highway all to myself. Mwa ha ha ha, MWA HA HA HA!

No love for the Portland, OR metro system? There's light rail, buses, streetcar, and even an air tram. Not sure if it was considered but wasn't cool enough to make the list.

Thanks for this. I love anything that helps us critically look at information given to us.

Me too. I was screwed if it didn't pass!


One thing I forgot was the cost of home inspections. The rest of it gets wrapped up into a big chunk of money at the end, but you have to pay upfront for inspections, which for me cost $600. If the house doesn't pass inspection, you're still out the money and then you have to pay for another inspection if you want to

I have no idea what that means or how to implement it. If I walked around with a fake smile on and pretended everything was fine, I would be more depressed.

Thank you very much. This is very nice of you and it made me tear up. (But I said I was BAD at jewelry!)

Unfortunately I'm a desk jockey with no other skills whatsoever. I tried jewelry at the time (Etsy was/probably still is the big rage) but it didn't sell. I had to throw a lot of it away. It made me more sad, not less. "Enthusiastic" isn't a word I'd use to describe myself anyway.

That's so good of you! When I was unemployed, I almost never left the house. I never saw the point. So what if I went to the park? What would I do? I can't drive anywhere, I can't afford the gas! I can't go to anywhere when I'm barely paying rent!

Have you ever not wanted to do ANYTHING because nothing would make you happy? When you do these things, do you ever still feel unhappy during it anyway? Do you ever feel exhausted after these activities and feel like it wasn't worth it?

I find it very difficult to be positive/happy/mindful/confident/whatever. Some people do it naturally, and some people have no idea how to do it. For me that feeling isn't there. So when people post "just do it!" and "happiness is a choice!" I have no idea what they mean, or how that is actually supposed to work.

No it didn't! I mean, I don't know what you're talking about. WE WERE HAVING TEA.