James Callan

One more, that was terrifying when I was a kid but I'm sure is just ridiculous now, even though the thought of it still creeps me out: Gilligan's Island, "The Pigeon," a.k.a. the one with the giant spider that traps them all.

I'm sure it's in the 520 comments already, but I'll mention again Tales From the Darkside's "Inside the Closet," which still gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Oh: "The Littlest Mouse," the 1987 Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures episode where he sniffs a crushed flower, which ended up being demonized as promoting cocaine use to kids. (You get to talk about Ralph Bakshi, John Kricfalusi, AND Donald Wildmon!)

The '70s TV series James at 15, in particular the episode where he loses his virginity (with a Swedish exchange student!) and the show becomes James at 16.

Oh, or ER: The first season episode "Sleepless in Chicago," where Robert Carradine reunites with fellow nerdvenger Anthony Edwards and problem solves several issues for the cast.

The Scarab Lives!, the first episode of Scooby-Doo that featured Scrappy.

From Monty Python's Flying Circus, episode 9, "The Ant: An Introduction," featuring the legendary "Lumberjack Song."

"The Producer," a.k.a. the episode of Gilligan's Island with the Hamlet musical. (Or "Don't Bug the Mosquitoes," but the Hamlet musical is way better.)

Oh, one more idea: The Michael Larson episode(s) of "Press Your Luck."

Oh, one more idea: The Michael Larson episode(s) of "Press Your Luck."

Either "Don't Bug the Mosquitos" or "Beauty Is as Beauty Does" from Gilligan's Island.

Either "Don't Bug the Mosquitos" or "Beauty Is as Beauty Does" from Gilligan's Island.

No love for Charles Laughton as director, with Night of the Hunter? Or is that not canonical enough?

The Incomparable
… is another podcast you guys should check out. They just did an episode on Planetary, and they've recently discussed Real Genius and a whole lotta Dr. Who.

I'll have the Douglas Sirk steak.
Written on the Wind is one of my favorite movies — the way Sirk shifts your perspective on the main quartet is masterful.

I remember nothing about Cocoon except this quote …
"Okay, how ya doing? I'm Lloyd, and we're gonna watch the movie "Cocoon." I've never actually seen it, but I heard it's very good, it makes you happy, that's a good thing. It's about a group of older people who go to outer space… hope I didnt give anything away

Let a thousand flowers …
I've enjoyed playing around with Brian Eno's ambient-music-making app Bloom, as has my three-year-old daughter. (She likes cacophony.)

New Pornographers
From mid-high school to about a year ago, my default answer to "what's your favorite band?" was The Beatles. I didn't even listen to them much anymore, having worn them out, but no other band really contested the pleasure they'd given me.