It's a good day to be a South Carolina fan.
It's a good day to be a South Carolina fan.
165 Calories, 5.5 percent ABV
-A Volkswagen Eurovan (Not Armored)
It's difficult to determine the bear's true intentions. Bears are known to stalk prey and can be very methodical hunters. Randy, the trainer and Stephan's cousin, mentions the bear's meticulous hunting techniques and questions if that could have been the case, but Chris Servheen, a professional bear conservationist,…
South Carolina is playing Clemson tonight. The Gamecocks have thrown 5 straight shutouts, but Clemson just broke that 46 inning shutout streak with a run scored in the top of the 2nd. Should be a good one.
Double thanks for Erg. This drink is to you.
Yea, pretty much Stephan Miller (the one Rocky, the bear, attacks) thought he was just turning to lick him because initially he was, but then the bear just grabbed his neck. The weird/scary part is Rocky never bit down with all his force. He bit Miller with just enough force to hold on to him. Unfortunately, that…
I've spent the majority of the day at a bar since Thursdays tend to be relatively for slow for me and for other reasons... oh yea, I'm sober.
How thin is the line between wrestling and mauling?
South Carolina's trying it, too. Ironically, I wrote something on cell phone use, but it was a product of frustration after dealing with an idiot on a cell phone in the left lane.
You need to become a psychic because you seriously said everything I was thinking... even the punctuation was spot-on.
This may be a little obvious, but Heath Ledger's role in The Dark Knight was profoundly impressive. He played a role that most would never have imagined he could, and he played it really damn well.
Minus the drinking and absence of parental repercussions, nights like tonight remind me of being sixteen... okay, maybe just the absence of parental repercussions.
Googling images of "big" to make an innocuous joke is NSFW.
Ain't no party like a Ugandan party.
To the after party.