SCar guy


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Philosophy is quintessential for any argument on a vague, convoluted concept that has no definable resolution.

Hitting 6th gear at 228 MPH (367 km/h)...

No matter what anyone says on here, Jason Collins made history tonight. He successfully did what Glenn Burke tried to do in the 70's. He can't be compared to Jackie Robinson because you can't hide skin color. Collins shared something personal with the public and chose to accept the consequences. As a straight guy

A minefield for my eyes... somethings just can't be unseen.

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I read a couple articles and comments on Jezebel today. Nothing will ever be the same.

-Kate Upton

No drinks for him.

Welcome, hope you can get it back up and running soon. A lousy internet connection is just as bad as no internet period, just with much more frustration.

Erg could be right, internet providers go through periods of downtime when they upgrade or if they're installing sensitive equipment nearby. If it's not the provider, and since it depends on how much you need the router to do (wireless printer, multiple devices at once, etc.), the two that are pretty reliable and

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Steve Wojciechowski caught a few good glimpses of Shannon Spake during that halftime interview. Eh, if your name has Wojcie in it, you kind of deserve to enjoy the little [bad adjective to use here] things in life.

I thought this was an actual article, until I realized it was one of those "hidden ads."

If that isn't the issue, you may have to replace the TPS (throttle position sensor). It costs about $30-$40. Hope it works!

Surprisingly, I didn't this in the comments section, so I'll throw it out there. An aftermarket air filter.

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Attractive neighbor has been having issues with her car (Jeep Grand Cherokee), so I did what neighbors do and did a little diagnostics. The idle was surging and causing it to stall every now and then. Took off the idle air control valve and found the o-ring to be okay, but the piece itself was pretty 'gunked' up .

Damn you Canada.