Continuing with the puns and left handed guitarist.
Both the Elder and the Younger Pliny are two beers I've always wanted to try but have never had the opportunity, and there's a Westvleteren 12 Trappist ale sitting in my fridge.
I posted this kind of late last night so it's worthy of a repost.
I sent two emails at 10:45 AM and 12:44 PM to The first included a link to The State article and this article from WLTX. The second was merely a bit more of an explanation for why I felt the story was significant, and it included the only piece that recounted the events following the January 24th…
I would say I'm relatively new to Deadspin Up All Night, but I just wanted to pull out my soapbox one more time.
I didn't mean for it to be a self-promo, but thought it was important.
I'm actually kind of disappointed with Deadspin. Look, I understand the staged photo of high school wrestlers brings in a ton of clicks because of the race factor, but there wasn't one mention of a senior linebacker from a state championship team being stabbed and murdered last night.
I thought the Swede had already taken out the Frenchman...
Chocolatethunder-down-under actually recommended them to me on Friday. The beer of choice that night was Aviator Habanero Saison, and he suggested them since they're spice beers, too. The ghost pepper has me intrigued. The price was my main deterrent, but I'm looking forward to picking up a bottle the next time I…
Hugh Laurie speaking in his normal voice always fascinates me. Maybe it's because it doesn't matter what accent he uses, he's invariably a witty smart-ass.
So the landlord (rental company) had an appraiser come by today for "tax purposes." Not sure if that's the full story or not, but either way I'm glad he didn't find my stash of Mario Lemieux paraphernalia. I blame my brother for getting me hooked at such a young age.
He is a polite puppy as far as they go.
Since I didn't even know this was a cover until 2 years after it originally came out, I feel this is appropriate.
By the way, good song choice DUAN.
Walking Dead is on so let's make this quick. The NBA moved the dunk contest to tonight. Gamecocks swept Bucknell 17-4, 12-2, and 12-0.