Scandinavian Flick

I have kindly asked in the past that it stop, or at least just make it a link or something... But hell, what's my opinion against everyone else's? We used to not have that kind of thing in there, (I can find it elsewhere, and better, on my own time, thankyouverymuch) but the tides of change are washing over

Agreed. You have PM.

That's how I was too, until I got caught while scrolling past an Oppo babe of the day...

Hat trick! Thanks for the assist, Nibbles; you furry little football...

Double post...

Heh, I've been around. I took a short break, but I'm back. I've been keeping a fairly low profile though, and staying out of Oppo. (Too consistently NSFW for me to risk it anymore) I've actually been using 5.0, and commenting on a lot of the articles to stay involved. Life just gets crazy sometimes, ya know? :-/

To heart click people, you can open their profile, then put "ca." in front of the url. You end up with this: [] Then click the heart in the top right corner. You'll notice I already did that with the good Doctor here.

Thanks. It does.

Sorry, I edited out my comment. I was about to start something I don't care to finish.


A Neon and a Lancer got taken out without any loss of life. Society wins.

Wow... awesome!

Dude, that was a total waste! It's damn near tragic!

The pot of gold is a lie.

Such a waste. That Lexus looks like it just rolled off the appliance store show room.

Snap poll: Which drug would you rather be on; Charlie Sheen, or Chris Bangle?

As do I, sir. As do I.

You just commented on a dude's bags...