Scandinavian Flick

I fully expect that any tickets Peter gets are written in crayon.

So, this guy came up and punted your puppy?

Did it kick your puppy?

This page keeps refreshing all spastic-like until I force it to stop in my browser. When I try to post or reply, 8 boxes come up like this...

The true master can be ironic just standing there. If your hair alone is in a constant state of irony with itself, you can transcend the need for further explanation.

But how else would you fit three wide in this thing unless you were wearing pants bought in the teen girl's section?

You hit the nail on the head. They drive old beaters, unless their trust fund parents bought them a new Scion or VW Golf. Either way, it's an ironic statement on society as a whole.

As soon as BMWs are no longer a viable stereotype.

Man, he even spilled his pizza on his track suit... I hate it when that happens.

what is this i dont even

"With the re-imagined VW Bulli Concept the company's making a stab at both markets. Hipyups? Yuphips?"

Tesla Roadster!

People really need to pay better attention when following their GPS...

"My my, what large hands you have."

Since I still have hope for this place, mostly because of the commenters and the community this place has created, I want to make a few suggestions that may not be mentioned, and are sometimes lost in the other redundant, but very valid complaints:

Anytime, friend! We all have to help each other here, and I'm glad to do what I can.

I wish I could... I'd be willing to take the risks, especially when it is nice out. I could use the fitness boost. A 120 mile round trip commute kinda negates that possibility though... :(

I'm glad to see that they have that on the list of fixes that the tech monkeys are working on. I have hearted a few people through the Canadian versions of the sites. You just have to click on their name to open their profile, then ad "ca." in front of the URL. That loads the old version of their profile, and the

Awesome post. I opened your profile here so I could heart click you: []