Scandinavian Flick

@pres: You saw the #kotaku tag up there and decided to set up a troll trap, eh?

@$kaycog: I see you have pinned the right frame of mind for this.

Wow, that blows. It really sucks to have that kind of luck.

@Jagvar: As soon as I clicked next to that, I had a blank expression on my face, thinking "Kia... wut...?"

@Serolf Divad: Don't be sorry. It looks like a Solara with serious birth defects. I always thought they were useless and ugly as a 10 gallon hat full of arseholes.

Aha! It is a hybrid!

Reminds me of the Z4 roundel turn signal indicator. Both being a flagrant display of douchey one upmanship.

@GV_Goat: You have a point, and I understand, but it gets tiresome from the perspective of someone who walks both sides of that fence. I know Ray likes to incite debate and discussion, but this one is a pretty big slap in the face to me.

Way to alienate a good number of your readers, Ray. I'm glad to see, from the commentary here, that I am not alone in not supporting this viewpoint. It's sad too since it seems to go against what I have seen on this blog in the past, so I am not particularly sure what your point is in posting this.

@wheatieboy: How have I not heart clicked you before? Fixed.

I hereby dub thee; Torquegg.

Let me know when they start selling them in vending machines.

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

@wednesdaywolf: I like you. You have good taste. Heart-click, and some more eye bleach :)

@wednesdaywolf: Sorry you had to go through that, but I guess some people learn the hard way... Here's some eye wash.