Scandinavian Flick

@OMGItsWeasel: To your last comment: They are also light, decent quality and cheap. Those that care about country of origin over quality and usefulness are fools who deserve heavy, garish wheels. I also happen to think they look good on my German coupe.

I'm talking to you, too, Smirky McSmirkface, with your German sports sedan lowered on RPF1s

Well, he's going to need that douche canoe attitude when the judge sends him up shit creek without a paddle.

@freds4hb: Very nice! Heart click.

Great, now I have a Major Payne in my side from laughing too hard.

With cars like these, it's always good to have a spare or two lying around. That way, you know you always have enough parts to create at least one running car at a time. I only own one Volvo 240, but I have enough parts to build another one if I come across a chassis.

@Canuck Chinaman: I think I see another S13 there too in addition to a couple older Benzes, a Fox body Mustang behind the S13 'vert, and (I think) a K10 Blazer beside the yellow truck. Being from CA, I just figured everything cool that is older than 15 years had rusted out by now :-P

@nataku8_e30: Since I already have a project car, and no room for an extra... I would feel kinda bad using this as a daily driver.

There must be something wrong with me... The first thing I noticed in this article, even before reading it, is the Volvo 240 in the picture.

Oh snap... there's one for sale near me...

Is this how Uwe Gemballa has been hiding?

@TheAntiCat: That is now my cell phone wallpaper.

Thus concludes today's lesson. Congrats, Homeslice!

@VeeArrrSix: Seriously. Hey, Wes, tell Ray you have my permission to come back and write whenever you like.