
Great episode of Scandal. It started off with Olitz hotness and ended with the evil Mama Pope back. I really hope Maya either kills Papa or Papa kills Maya. Both are highly annoying and bad and toxic for the screwed up Olivia Pope.
Abby and David are so getting back together and I loved when Olivia told Mellie that she

LOL! That was hilarious and I love Fitz and Marcus working together. Marcus can school Fitz about the D. LMao!

Scandal has actually been good the last five or six episodes. AV Club, please hire a reviewer who actually knows Scandal and the history of the show. Time after time you hire people who hate the show to review. That is really dumb. Spoilertv has the best Scandal review. The writer is a true fan of the show.

Maybe people on twitter doesn't take the show as seriously as people on this site. It is only entertainment.

Please, Jake choked the crap out of Olivia and women still thinks he's a dreamboat and the best guy for Olivia.

I loved the David and Fitz talk. Another solid episode of Scandal.
AV club, please get another reviewer next season. I know of some wonderful writers in the Scandal fandom who would do the show justice on this site. At least hire someone who actually watches the show and who doesn't have an ax to grind against a

LOL! No, she's not for real. Clueless for sure.

Wrong, the first review this chick was angry at the fact Jake had limited airtime. The Fitz hate with this one is personal.

Olivia will be hugging Fitz again in the next episode. The fact that she sided with Fitz over Jake tells me where they are heading. Olivia and Fitz working together to free Cyrus and we all knows what comes next.

Trust me, you won't get a decent review with this chick. A bias and agenda driven one yes. I only come here for the comments.

Mellie and Marcus are in love, so she's okay.

The less Jake, the better. Marcus getting more airtime made more sense.

Excellent and entertaining episode. Kerry and Tony still have the chemistry magic together. Olivia and Fitz married and she envisioned a happy ending for them. I think it will also happen on the show. All signs point to an Olitz reunion.

I think this writer thinks Fitz is real and he broke her heart when he cheated on her….I mean Mellie. LOL! This chick has a major agenda against Fitz. The very first recap, I could feel the hate.

This episode was the best one since 602. Yes, Scandal has its moments.

I read the recap one time this Scandal season and that was enough. The recaps for Scandal on this site has always been bias and one sided, but this new "writer" has an agenda an ax to grind against certain characters on the show, namely hating Fitz and Olivia and praising the annoying Jake and Mellie. So she was

Susan would be best choice over both Cyrus and Mellie.

Fitz will be President for most of the season…and I love it. I'm so happy Shonda didn't just hand the Oval to Mellie, who didn't deserve it. The writers are milking Fitz as Scandal President for as long as they can. Tony Goldwyn is very popular and loved by most of the Scandal fans. This is about the only place Fitz

Abby cannot speak for the President without asking him. Fitz was on point to scold her. She's lucky she didn't fired.

I think Fitz is the most improved character on the show. He did benefit from breaking away from Olivia. He became a better person and President.