
That is all.

To be fair, if eliminating punting is part of a package with eliminating kicking for the extra point, it's hard to see a downside.

"not as good as Colin Cowherd"

Yo dawg, I heard you like Bagheeras, so I painted Bagheera on your Bagheera so you could drive Bagheera the Bagheera.

I must have more Powell Sport Wagon!

The man.

AFAIK, they want facts. They just don't care how significant the facts are.

Holy smoke, "1999 Le Mans" is the first thing that came to mind when I read your headline. When the Toyota set off in pursuit of the BMW after the last pit stop, I was in tears.

Since Gordon and Gustafson say Bowyer has had it coming all year, I think we can rule out mechanical failure.

I can't think of a lighting law that would prohibit an extra running light on the center of the hood.

A perfect RX7 without an engine is worth $2500.

It's an awfully cute state, tho.

GM spent its money on trucks and SUVs. Same thing that happened to Saturn.

I think "I'm Not in Love" is a great record, and I don't care who knows it.

Those are called Super Stock II or Super Stock III. There are numerous trim variations. My strongest memory is that they often came with exposed "chrome" nuts that were tinfoil caps on standard nuts. A couple of hits with an impact, and the crappy caps were junk and the result didn't fit the wrench.

The Red Bull F1 team has a big RV at the races exactly like that for entertaining guests, complete with loud, shitty music.

I've heard Bill Simmons complain that the Internet hurts his writing. He just can't say whatever he thinks, because if he's wrong on the facts, someone will get the facts and nail his lazy, ignorant ass to the barn.

He continuously treated women like dirt.

His state motto: "Come for the low wages, stay for the goiters and rickets."

The tub is larger and heavier than an F1 car. It's been almost 20 years since an F1 fatality.