No it is not.
No it is not.
Just give them back the pre 2015 engines! Nobody wants to watch a 550 horsepower stock car at the so-called apec of the sport.
Cyclists have no duty to keep up with the flow of traffic. You have a duty to slow down and avoid them, to pass them safely with a minimum distance of 3 feet between your vehicle and the cyclist.
Is that an Outback?
Good plan. Perhaps you should call the organizers up and let them know of this wonderful idea.
Yea not happening
What kind of useless imbecile writes this drivel?
You sir are a special kind of stupid
Exactly! It is not hard to avoid fisticuffs at an airport, ride your dirt bike at a motocross track, and obtain a concealed weapon permit. I have managed to do all of these things without much difficulty.
Execute these clowns.
Who wrote this drivel? I wasted 3 minutes of my life reading this.