
Well, yeah, I get that. That was sort of the point of my post. I meant illogical in the sense that they cannot find a legitimate, non-racist reason to justify eliminating Sunday early voting.

If only I had the confidence of a mediocre white man.

As someone from NC, I’m not quick to embrace generalizations that the people of NC are somehow represented by our “elected” officials.

As a black dude currently living in NC, I made sure to cast my ballot early. Here’s hoping McCrory and Trump have a bad day tomorrow

Black North Carolinians: Please vote tomorrow and fuck their shit up. Sincerely, White New Englander


I recently read a claim from a chemtrailer that stated “Fog is clouds that have fallen to earth because of gravity. Every schoolchild knows that.”

I’m honestly a little surprised the chem trail crowd hasn’t taken their theories to the next logical conclusion: the vapors that rise from hot water. I mean, think about what chemicals the government must be putting in our water supply for that to happen! (Hint: Follow the chem trails to big fluoride.)

Well, it would be okay if we stopped writing opinions on Trump and reported “the truth” about liberals, Obama and Hillary.
I mean, when was the last time we reported on HAARP controlling the weather and chemtrail induced gayness?

best case scenarios for lower wage workers

“Benefits and stuff”!? For lil ol ME!?

So looking forward to the next season. Atlanta is a breath of fresh air.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. You know that’s not true.

Black people gave up on that shit years ago after Atlanta shut down Freaknik. Besides, we want to be gainfully employed.

True. She should consult the man standing closest to her whenever she feels the need to break into any kind of facial expression.

Somehow (luckily) every bikram studio I’ve ever been to (which to be fair is like 3) has been very non-competitive and low key, so I’m always a little thrown off whenever I’m reminded of the amount of batshit crazy teachers out there and the criminal founder.

Commentor Busslayer upthread summed it up best. It’s not about black voters, it’s about white voters. Specifically, it is about the white voters who are on the fence about casting their ballot for Trump due to his racism. This gives them the “out” they want. It soothes their nerves when they can say he reached out to

The good news is that those White folks can go back to being ironically/casually/unintentionally/just sayin’/only asking questions/actually racist after the election and all will be right with their world.

so much pot.

Yes, there are significant differences btwn this case and Martin’s- namely that cops, whom you are so eager to excuse, should be held to a higher standard of behavior than a tiny-dicked, bigoted “vigilante.”