
I can fuss about semantics, too.

The losing team walks off the field when they lose. It’s a walk off.

The play made them walk off the field though

Because a suckerpunch after waiting on the last game of the regular season to throw at someone for celebrating a massive home run is equal to an aggressive slide into a player who has done the exact same thing to other players? If so, why did the Rangers go Super Saiyan after that random AUGUST game against the

To be fair, he actually delivered a knockout blow this time.

Tagging Bush with the loss, and Odor with the critical error?

Walk offed: Texas Rangers.

That sign that said “I’d rather get punched in may than get knocked out in October” was pretty great considering it was Odor’s shitty throw that allowed Donaldson to score.

That’s funny because, as a life long Jays fan, watching Odor butcher that throw gave me immense pleasure

I was so ready to touch myself if Bautista had posterized the Rangers yet again. Dramatic as this was, I just couldn’t get it up after having considered the alternative.

There can be no sweeter ending for a Jays fan than to see the Rangers lose on an Odor error.