
New Order wants their song back.

This so…so..zzzzz…..

Really? You young pups need this?

"But unless you’ve taken shits that have jumped out of the toilet and
jammed themselves back into your ass, and then proceeded to pound away
at you for 20 minutes, you really don’t know what it’s like to get

Would you laugh at and appreciate a comedian who repeated the
same punch line over and over, 10-15 times in a row? Why do we forgive
it because it's a song?

Nice pixies ref on the flyer!

Ugh. Nightmares of my first year in catholic high school.

5 seasons, a web series and a direct to DVD movie!

"And yet the show’s series finale
is a strange beast, one that tries to serve all masters, both
suggesting that life is not fair and has no happy endings and yet grafts
a happy ending onto the end of that message, as if the series abruptly
remembered it was a sitcom."

How bout a slice of chinstrap pizza?


I fucking hate that manic, goggle eyed Jasper character. Overacted, hackily written, why doesn't he just fucking OD once and for all?

What's up, Hot Dog?

This doesn't look that compelling. And I really like Community. Guess I'm not sold on the cult of his personality?

Great sleuthing work, AVClub.

It will be extra sad when he overdoses.

Want wavy edged pixels, crappy sound, and twitchy joysticks, just like your childhood? Buy one of those Atari Flashback consoles. Still total crap! And lots of fun!

It's Kevn.

Get off my comment boards!

We used to sing this song in kindergarten, accompanied by the teacher on piano. That would be around 1971…can't believe I still remember that!