Am I a horrible person for thinking Sir Carter and Rumi are the names of two very spoiled Persian cats?
Am I a horrible person for thinking Sir Carter and Rumi are the names of two very spoiled Persian cats?
Hotter than Georgia asphalt!
I am so disappointed in you right now.
Uh… Hm… *loosens collar*
Maybe his hotness intimidated the selection committee so badly, they couldn't even notice his acting?
"You see an Emmy, and yet there is no Emmy!"
A flock or robins and a cow should deliver one to her and one to Kyle MacLachlan. Alas, I doubt it will ever happen.
Lol at Carrie Coon getting nominated for Fargo and not The Leftovers.
I learned something new today!
Or "being presidential."
Really? I didn't realize it was so restrictive.
Me too, but this is 2017, when getting worried is a full time job for some.
Yeah, you're right.
I was thinking more about being able to get all kinds of mega stars to shill for pedestrian products, thus creating some very disconcerting visuals.
You're telling me Ronald McDonald doesn't have the hots for that daughter of his?
Oh, this is going to go real well with the hot take industry.
That's some weird slash fic.
The Japanese have the best ads.
Too many letters in his last name, I guess.
Recently, I discovered a coworker who just has an associates degree holding The New York Times. Instinctively, I understood that they were planning to use it to pee on like a crated Labrador, their two years of junior college slumming clearly leaving them with little working knowledge of indoor plumbing, or where to…