Yes, how dare actors who were in a show 26 years ago age by 26 years and sully your TV screen with their old faces. They should have just recast the whole show and made Cooper a 26-year old sexy lady cop who's tough but vulnerable.
Yes, how dare actors who were in a show 26 years ago age by 26 years and sully your TV screen with their old faces. They should have just recast the whole show and made Cooper a 26-year old sexy lady cop who's tough but vulnerable.
That would be "Digestivo" from S3, in which Hannibal seems to find the prospect of being turned into a series of fancy dishes for Mason Verger endlessly amusing, and also there's a sow being used to bring to term a human baby.
Hey, who knows, maybe those jobs they like are coming back in style.
Time is always screwy with the Lodge entities: they move differently, they struggle to speak, and sometimes there are weird skips in chronology (like it happened at the metal cube thingy with the eyeless woman).
Don't you dare speak ill of Janey-E, mister, or it's the doghouse for you!
The Wolverine and Days of Future Past.
Would that it were not true :(
I hope the rest of the scene is in the BluRay supplements!
And some great, screwy chronology, with the premonitions following the deed!
Also, Brakhage and Peter Tscherkassky.
Yeah, same here. I did watch the season finale for BCS, but I don't think I remember a single thing about it.
But start with Eraserhead and some of the shorts, like "The Grandmother," because that's what this episode most closely resembles. Also the tiny short he made for the 100th anniversary of cinema, "Premonitions Following an Evil Deed."
It's pointless to me. Good bye.
I'm seriously having problems concentrating on the rest of the shows I watch. I could barely pay attention to the Better Call Saul finale last week.
With a fatal flaw. That's like saying "This is an excellent car, but it has no engine." Anyway, I'm out of this conversation because it is, frankly, quite tiresome and pointless.
You suggested the show had a "fatal" flaw, that's as good as disqualifying it.
He is!
Then I suggest you write him a very sternly worded letter explaining how non-inclusive his work is, and how much it therefore sucks.
It's very evocative, to be sure.
Oh man, I hope it's the latter.