Could be, Nintendo tapped into a previously unknown market with the Wii. One that hasn't had much interest in buying another console.
Could be, Nintendo tapped into a previously unknown market with the Wii. One that hasn't had much interest in buying another console.
That's a good question, personally - the only people I know who have a Wii haven't used them in a while. Even 10-20% of the amount of consoles they sold would be a lot though.
Any Wii that is still being used is pretty much a way for Nintendo to advertise to a large crowd. It's not a bad strategy if they don't overdo it.
I have played it, it was just a bad game. As someone with experience in the legal profession if this gets even a shred of legitimacy then the blood will be in the water. It may be anecdotal of me to say that but it's not a fallacy when I've seen it happen in regards to other precedents. It's not false advertisement…
Oooooh, you almost had me until you used the hyperbole at the end. Trying to justify this lawsuit under the umbrella of false advertisement is laughable. I was operating under the assumption that this would make it to court (it probably won't) because what is the point of this article if you don't think that, but the…
This is the pinnacle of the "internet outrage" mentality. This would open the door to suing game developers for any perceived slight, basically degrading any incentive for game development. I think poor sales and commercial backlash for developing this turd of a game is punishment enough.
Well that just happened. Things like this are always better when they have a catchy theme.
I've given up trying to help them distinguish between the platforms. It's like the clock stopped in 1996 as far as knowing about gaming devices goes.
My parents still refer to any type of gaming device as a Nintendo but they are woefully unaware of anything going on in the gaming industry despite using games/apps on iPhone/iPad/iPod. The overall situation is better than it was 10 years ago though, several of my co-workers love to discuss what is going on with new…
All valid reasons. I would add that the limitations of what games currently offer might also be a contributing reason to why people care less and less. You have to be extremely passionate to overlook the numerous retreads and failures and keep being excited about the diminishing number of innovators (right now of…
Reminds me of the Total Recall mutant. Quaid, quaiddddddddddd
AI hasn't evolved to the point where it presents a challenge whereas people do. I should probably clarify that I'm not running without a mic ALL the time, just when I'm not in party chatting with friends. That comment applies to when I am playing online solo, because my ears have been sullied enough in 15+ years of…
I recommended for the Simone de Beauvoir name drop.
I don't mind interacting with rational people but if I plug in my mic it's like I am reading a youtube comment section, just irrelevant vitriol aimed at no one in particular. I still play games like BF3 and COD, just without a microphone.
Multiplayer is fine, the problem is the community that comes with it (in most cases).
I'm glad it will be heading to digital distribution, I lost my disk ages ago. I had a lot of fun using the Gundam mod for LAN parties.
Thank you. The whole premise is comical but this was a great representation of games on TV.
Reminds me of that CSI: NY episode which had Gary Sinise chasing down a flying teddybear in a videogame.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
You bring up a good point. The way BW focuses on each character in the first two games makes it a disservice that they can't be included as squad-mates in the third. There is something to be said for character evolution but in this circumstance Miranda kind of devolved into a one-note character who needed your help -…