
It has occurred to me that something like this could be re-purposed into something even worse. I can see some criminal organizations creating a program that blackmails people into paying "protection" fees to them saying if they don't pay, their name and IP Address would be forwarded over to government authorities

I'm sure Andrew Zimmern would love it.

Or it could satisfy the need to have diversity and more options available.

Or they could do that at night after spending the day playing basketball.

Has anyone ever looked at this from a spiritual point of view? If people could just jump back in time whenever they felt like it, imagine how more evil everyone would become because they would believe they could escape Judgment Day by staying hidden in the past.

You regardless of what a person does in the future, to kill a person in cold blood would still be murder.

You mean black people, right? Not every black person is from Africa, dude.

Modern means today.... current. This gentleman worked for like 25 years... meaning the past.

Notice how you conveniently skipped the other two categories of ISP's being transparent and informing customers of requests and laying out their terms in their terms of service. Does not take huge resources to do that.. and would be enough to earn 2 of the 4 stars.

The problem with the 7 day refund is.. people would "game the system", so to speak and finish/complete/become tired of the game in only a day or two and then ask for their money back.

Did anyone else catch the part of him selling another Apple prototype before? What are the odds of the same person coming into contact with another prototype?

What if the person didn't commit any crime but was wrongly convicted?

Once when I tried playing one of my Steam games late Friday night, their server was offline and I wasn't able to access my game at all until Monday morning... that was couple of years ago... so maybe they made changes... but back then... if their servers were out.. you couldn't play your own games..

What do you have your bit torrent client download speed set too? What is the upload speed set too? Those settings would have an impact on your overall speeds. You should have download set to unlimited and upload speed set to 75-80% of your total upload speed to achieve maximum performance.

As I understand it, they just stopped or slowed down the expansion to new areas because wireless coverage is cheaper... but they are still giving full support to existing areas where FIOS is already covered.

But having that extra bandwidth means multiple computers/connections would have more breathing room and not have to slow down. I also believe bit torrent connections would benefit the most from this speed as well as seeding torrents.

That article you linked too talked about trying to get a few Dual-Band Wireless router from Verizon. Dude, just go out to a store and buy one yourself... it would be cheaper (no monthly rental fees). Most people buy their own routers anyway.

Since Houston is so large, it's understandable about slow internet.. it would probably cost to much to lay down fiber for such a large area. As far as your shower is concerned, I once lived in an apartment with a low water pressure in the shower but I resolved that by just going to the store and buying a low-pressure

It would be nice if they could answer a few questions from Deep Space Nine. Like what happened to Sisko and the Worm Hole Aliens. Also, it was never explained where the massive Gem'Hadar fleet was sent too when they were thrown off while entering the wormhole. It would be interesting seeing them fight the Borg...

As I understand it, a couple of years BEFORE he was gone.. I was under the impression that most decisions were NOT made by Steve at all... if that's the case, wouldn't that make this article kind of invalid since more than likely Steve wouldn't have had any say in these things anyway if he was still around?