
Flying buttresses.

They look pretty healthy.

Bring back PSA with the smiley face on the nose and the flight attendants in their go-go outfits.

Likely to better direct the propulsion over the elevator surfaces.

I refuse to use them because I live in Phoenix. Yay

Hey, baby

Thanks, Arizona Legislature.

Neutral: Do You Take Public Transit?

Mill Avenue!

Jerry's Drive-In Liquors. An Arizona State University staple since the 1960's. Go Devils!

What are you talking about? It was rain-delayed for 6 hours, but it resumed on FOX until the end.

Needs more cowbell.

Forget the Puma, how much for this Cougar? Grrrrrrrahh

There's one; just not two.

Painted ground to simulate grass. Nice.

Isn't this what we watch motorsports for at Daytona? The "big one"? You're welcome.

Try having health insurance, dude. We get it; you're ripped. But you're about to be raped by the health care system. Fuck you, guy.

"While Gen Y may not necessarily scrutinize horsepower, acceleration times or engine size, they do have clear needs, wants and desires, especially when it comes to remaining connected to all of their lifestyle technology while on the road," said Masa Hasegawa, principal, in a statement. "This is good news for

Commemorative wedding glass! Congratulations, Ang and Will, 11/10/2012, never forget.

Ten, if you count the dog and the infant in Grandma's lap.