
At least it's a low ballast thing.

This is perfect. Leave the sports cars to us, 6'0" and smaller. For the rest: SUVs to those 6" and smaller.

No front plate in Arizona, either. Plus, not freezing cold like Quebec.

Even though, should this asshat just walk away from a destroyed vehicle and say, "My bad"?

Wait.... so they're rebadging them into Audis?

Radiator is at the front of the car. Therefore, louvers are there to let hot air escape forward compartment easier.


License plate reads "TEXAS". That explains it, right there.

Why? Because MexICAN.

Is it just me, or is any other DirecTv subscriber just completely "Christian Bale" pissed off that DirecTv doesn't offer BBC America or AMC in HD? I mean, come the f**k on, you amatuers.

Video from

Drive-through penalty for double posting nearly identical comments.

OK logging in, but "We apologize for any inconvenience.

@lilwillie: Is it obligatory that "on-the-scene" newscasters pump their hands together at the conclusion of every broadcast?

We got a winner, I said we got a winner, we got a winner! Our next winner is that delightful personality, straight from Brighton beach Brooklyn, Please give a juicy welcome to Mrs. Sarah Goldfarb!