
Your idea sucks. Luckily people who live in the country know better than to suggest somthing like this. Tractors, Horses, Bikes, Walkers, Omish, Cattle... Lots of things use a country road that cannot get anywhere near 30mph+.

Share the road. They made interstates for unhindered auto travel. With country roads like these, it could be a cyclist, could be walkers, could be an Omish buggy, there are hazards around every corner and everyone has a right to use this type or road.

Try riding 50mi in Basketball shorts and get back to me.

Fuck this guy. Endangering other cars is scary enough, but I just kept thinking it was only a matter of corners before he found and killed a cyclist.

I would have stopped - if only to provide a full statement to the police on the level of douchery this ass-hat was engaging in.

I see what you did there...

The fact that he still refers to the ban as “the ban” is really not going to help his case in court, is it?

Everyone (including myself) loves to give you shit for this project, but props for getting it going and actually undertaking this epic roadtrip in an epic shitbox. True Jalop spirit.

I’m not an expert, and not out to insult anyone, but isn’t coal mining a “bad” job in a lot of ways? Like the pay is bad, you can get black lung, it’s very unsafe other reasons that are escaping me now.

he lost colorado because most of us can read

I’d have less schadenfreude towards Sky had they not launched the team with so much self-congratulation over doping.

I wish catalytic converters worked the way the author described. Every car would have an afterburner, there would be flames everywhere on the road. It would be awesome.

Don’t compare this to a zipper merge. This is NOT a zipper merge. At all.

Make all the jokes you want, it is a great vehicle and it sells like hotcakes.

for you, i will do this...but i cant promise any more than 2%.

Its not a tax; its a tariff. That’s a special tax imposed only on goods being imported.

It’s funny how retroactive all these anti-doping investigations always end up being. They’re talking about the 2011 Dauphine when all anyone needs to look at is the 2016 tour, when Team Sky had practically their whole team pulling on the front of every climb. No team in the history of the sport has ever done that

It’s not news that they are dirty, but I’d seriously argue your point that cyclists-in-general don’t care. I used to race and I sure as shit do.

I’ve done 3 100 mile (century) rides, they hurt. Honestly, no one who bikes gives a fuck about them doping. They are doing century+ rides every day, for three weeks straight, up the fucking alps. Wiggens is totally doping, he went from a mid pack guy at Garmin Slip-Stream (a team that actually tested their riders) to