
Ever been through rural South Carolina?

Even if you part it out, I think you’d get more than $500. Drive it around for as long as you can and then part out the rest. Slam dunk.

It’s only five hundred bucks, you cheap bastards! Use it for a damn lawn decoration if you don’t want to fix it up right.


Any belief that the top level of cycling is completely clean is a delusion.

First meme that came to mind from the headline.

That is amazing, I want it

No, we really really don’t. The vast majority don’t give a crap one way or the other (I certainly don’t). That said, there is unfortunately a vocal minority on both sides of this issue (see said looters above) and the whole thing goes to shit. This BLM thing ticks me off mostly becuase these “peaceful” protests keep

No this bullshit looting, and rioting, hidden behind protest needs to stop.

If you riot you need to be shot.

This isn’t a protest. It’s a riot. How would you handle this exactly?

Carved on that brick:

That sounds like a really

In general, the idea of running your tank that low in anything but a dire emergency isn’t a good one. I had always been told that the dirt/water/gunk which can accumulate at the bottom of your gas tank (especially if your car is older as mine are) could be sucked up and clog your fuel filter if you run your tank down

Server farms go where you can get reliable, high-bandwidth, low-latency connections to your customers, and enough electricity, and cheap, securable space. I think Reno-Sparks now has gigabit fiber available to garden-variety home users, which suggests that some serious backbone bandwidth is available. Electricity?

Well considering unemployment is down to 5% there aren't many locals. As far as qualifications, most factories can't find people that can pass piss tests to begin with, so there's that.

I feel the same way about overly gigantic tie knots.

You’re all wrong