Honestly, I don’t think that they do..
Honestly, I don’t think that they do..
THIS! Christ, it’s like people have no understanding of what it actually takes to survive as a woman in a male dominant profession.
“Because men and sometimes women will tell you “Women can’t program/politics/etc” so you have to basically shut them down by proving yourself ten times over and it DOES NOT END”
Except, if these women are so valued, why aren’t they in the top 10? Is it because 10 men are more important/valued by Sanders?
I guess I’m just tired of Bernie folks saying everything Hillary does is contrived and that she doesn’t care about women. I’ll be devastated if Hillary doesn’t win the nomination, but that won’t stop me from voting for Bernie. He’s a good man who has dedicated his life to public service. He’s not perfect and he’s just…
Yep, that’s exactly how tech works a lot of the time. But that’s bullshit. They’ll often say “but there are no qualified women!”. Speaking as a qualified woman who even on raw qualifications can compete with the best of men that’s complete and utter bullshit. They’ll peg it as “personality fit” even if you’re twice as…
Have to say that I’m really, really disappointed in the Sanders campaign for its lack of self-awareness while filling the senior positions entirely with men.
That’s a ridiculous argument. You don’t just hire any woman especially one you wouldn’t respect in a highly influential position of your campaign. One that can determine whether or not you sink or swim. You can definitely hire an intern or two that’s a woman or a minority if you want to fill a diversity quota though.…
Hmm ok, so you’re ok with making less than a peer because *someone else* is getting a salary? I don’t buy that.
I ditto on this. I am a woman in tech and whenever I have to hire, I advocate strongly on behalf of having a more equal gender balance (i.e. I push that we hire women ). I’m also lucky that I have a very unbiased boss who seems very gender blind (My group has roughly equal men to women despite being more technical in…
I just want to be a Democratic Nominee supporter - do you want to hide in my tent with me? (I have feelings about both candidates, some good and some bad, but mostly I have feelings about the Republican candidates, and those are best summed up by words like “evil”, “inhuman”, “sociopath”, “lizard-people”, and the…
Yeah but usually Republican mama’s boys don’t actually see those mothers as deserving of stuff like guaranteed paid maternity leave and equal pay.
Unbelievable how the Sanders crowd here can still find a way to attack Hillary for Bernie not having any women in top posts on his campaign. Oh she just has them for show. F off.
Significantly more women than men, which means that she’s likely weighting women over men for entry-level positions, while men are resting more in the middle as well as the 6-figure folks in her top 10. Her record isn’t perfect, like everything else, but the fact that Bernie has ZERO in his top 10? ...That’s really…
Right? LOLOLOL And people keep telling me gender doesn’t matter. Go on Hillary you keep doing the do while everyone tries to say they’re feminists - you’re actually PAYING the women. Go on Hill!
Came to say the same thing!
Hmmm, women in positions of power hire more women. LOOK AT THAT!
Marco Rubio though? That one makes no sense. Good for him, but I’m very perplexed.
Aha! This validates everything I’ve ever though about each of them somehow.