Sébastien LeRoo

I was thinking the same thing. Imagine if Roxxxy had eliminated Adore instead of Coco. People would've gone crazy! She would've been called a bitch and received death threats. And a lot of people would've complained this new format is bullshit. I'm sure she was really aware of that when she made her decision.

She really should've made it to the Top 3 instead of Phi-Phi. I don't think I'll ever get over it lol

I love Adore, but she was not only messy in the begining. She was in the bottom 2 very recently two weeks in a row for the talk show challenge and the wedding challenge. She's great, but not strong enough yet to be the winner of RPDR imo. This should be Bianca's crown.

But Sharon also had AMAZING looks on top of that. I do agree Adore has great potential and the it factor, but she isn't on her level yet IMO.

Darienne's been coasting in the middle or bottom for the whole season (except for that one win at the beginning) while wearing pretty much the same boring dress the whole time. How is her top 4 position not undeserved ?

I agree last night's elimination was a travesty, but I still think the most blatant example of the show being rigged for drama was keeping Phi-Phi instead of Latrice.

I'm sorry but the whole premise of this recap is wrong and in bad faith. You are really protective of Bianca aren't you?
Dela might have used the wrong word, but she was clearly not dissing miss Del Rio.
She was pointing out how well-rounded she is just like we all have been saying since the beginning of the season.

The pregnancy was also the one I really didn't like. Would've liked to see more of her looks instead of Darienne's. I guess they chose the possibility of drama over creativity.

I thought the sport jocks from season 3 had the best and most surprising attitude. I loved how protective of their girl they were and how they genuinely seemed turned on by Raja and Carmen's lip synch !

Haha exactly!
My comment was mostly directed at the judges, although I did read a lot of people saying Milk didn't show enough versatility.
I was more disapointed by her OFF the runway. She (or the editing) didn't show much personnality. But I thought (most of) her looks were great.

I don't understand why only Milk gets called for her lack of diversity. That's her style of drag. They don't ask the other queens to do genderfuck, why does she have to do glamour?
Darienne has been coming on the runway with the same look every week and the judges never say a word about it. Where's HER versatility? At

I felt a little bad. Bianca didn't really need to come back with that story about her video from her parents from weeks ago. It got a bit too much. Or she could've simply pointed out that Joslyn was able to laugh at the girls' jokes and have fun after her touching video from her fiancé.
The rest was deserved though.

She made a joke. Instead of "sashay", she said she would be the first queen to "chassé" away and then walked out like a ballerina. It was intentional.

I agree with everything except that I love when they do 80's diva classics like "Head To toe", "Looking For A New Love", "Two Of Hearts", "Ain't Nothin' Going On But The Rent", or "It's Raining Men".