Regular reminder that Darrell Issa is probably guilty of insurance fraud and should be in jail
Regular reminder that Darrell Issa is probably guilty of insurance fraud and should be in jail
I’ll start worrying about Obama’s accountability, when the GOP starts worrying about all the times they stopped him from fixing stuff.
I can’t blame a fireman for not putting out a fire when the town wouldn’t buy him a firetruck. Which is basically the only explanatory analogy anyone needs for Benghazi, but for some…
Ms. DeMaio suggested that perhaps the two men were just “friends” or “great companions.”
totally, like a national figurehead/conscience. I’m down with it. HOW DO WE AMEND THE CONSTITUTION LET’S DO THIS THING.
There has never been a more appealing, attractive family in the White House – ever.
Alright, I don’t love monarchies, but I say we turn the First Lady position into one and let Michelle have it until she wants to hand it over to Sasha or Malia.
On... on his foot, right?
Someone with better photoshop skills than I needs to put a bloody red sock on Pedo Bear.
HOST: Our next call is from Curt in Rhode Island. What have you got for us today, Curt?
These people (who happen to be women) may be wrong, but that does not make them bitches, and saying they need to get laid is sexist, obnoxious, and indicative of your misogyny. Please try to be civil.
Tell those people to move out so I can be his neighbor. I got a classic car and a bunch of tools.
by way of pamplemousse
She’s just pushing a kind of medical pseudoscience that’s as old as expertise has existed. She knows enough buzzwords to put together a sentence that sounds smart to audiences that don’t know any better, she tells audience sentence, they believe her because they lack the ability to discern good from bad authorities.
What’s the problem?!? Oxygen saturated environments are a blast!!
Who was this now? What planet are they from?
Twice, in the past 3 days, I’ve had people tell me “It was an inside job!”
I hate myself for it, but I can’t be the only asshole that thought of a butt joke with that headline.
Braisin chicken thighs is wicked hahd
The problem you have is that this is Harvard. The people that go there are not used to serving anyone at all. The people that go there — legacy, scholarship,and everything in between — are going to be the people that run the country. That program may work for a state school; that’s not going to fly at Harvard.