
Reminds me of those things you could use to clean vinyl records.

Reminds me of those things you could use to clean vinyl records.

Now I just think you’re being obtuse because you feel like being a dick to someone. No where, in any part of my post did I claim being a CPA was EXACTLY EQUIVALENT to sex work. I spoke of one similarity I saw. You’re being ridiculous as well as a huge ass.

Strongly disagree that that was shitty! She didn’t at all say that her frustration with others’ reactions to her job is equivalent to having PTSD. She said that aspects of the authors’ experience are relatable for a lot of people-- the way identity is subsumed into career, the defensiveness, etc.

So I’m having the

If I hear another goddamn lawyer joke...

It is? I’ve never thought huckster had any racial connotations. Hmm. 

Repeated pummeling is not an even approaching reasonable force for retaliating against someone throwing pie in the face of a public official.

Now, getting to the cops to administer a beating would be a whole ‘nother matter, if not downright American.

I dunno. Some guys are into quality acting, ya know...

That’s not what cheating is about. Cheaters don’t go looking for someone hotter.

Its the pictures. Hundreds of pageant pictures.

Ocean’s 14: Divorced Dad Hangout

My work office is abuzz that he supposedly had an affair with Marion Cotillard when they filmed Allied. Which, if true, shouldn’t shock anyone including Angelina, as that is how she and Brad got together in the first place. Seems like his MO.

‘White slavery’ is used to describe irregular and extralegal forms of keeping people in servitude (not just white people) and includes more than just sex trafficking. This is distinct from chattel slavery, in which people (not just Africans, but of course that is the form we all know best) are legally bought and sold

You have to boil things for 20 minutes to sterilize them, so I’m not sure how much good just pouring boiling water over things works...but psychologically, that stuff sure SEEMS clean and germ-free!

Well said - this is shitty enough without them repeating that casual bigotry and ignorance

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

BLM: “Some police are assholes.”

I’m a Temple alum. As soon as I heard that they were honoring Joe Pa against us I was like, “oh, I know why they did that.” But, in Temple’s defense. They’re not going to honor Cosby ever again.

Personally, I think eventually it’ll come out that JoePa was also a child rapist. Otherwise, I don’t know how anyone can not only turn a blind eye but refuse to punish the perpetrator.