Okay, THAT was extraordinarily helpful. Thank you.
Okay, THAT was extraordinarily helpful. Thank you.
How to build built-in bookshelves.
Am I missing something? Is getting your workout clothes mixed up with your non-workout clothes a problem for many people? I don't find myself confused as to whether my, say, sports bras or running shorts are appropriate office attire.
Hey - I know that the chat is long-over, but for some reason this reply didn't post yesterday so here it is (damn, I didn't realize when I wrote it on my phone that it was so long):
Hi Dick - I am becoming increasingly discouraged with fitness lately, and I wonder if you have any helpful hints? I'm 42, and have become that dumpy middle-aged woman who looks like she's never exercised in her life. I have been pretty decently fit before - most recently was about four years ago. But some life…
An ex gave me the Shun set - chef's knife, paring knife, and bread knife many moons ago and they are still going strong. I have other knives, but these are the only ones I like to use.
I think I have the opposite problem: I stopped studying science and math in my senior year of high school because I felt so much more connected to history, literature, writing. Ended up going to law school because I could write persuasively. But I would have been an artist had I the talent.
I have known for a while that the nighttime application was the way to go, but I also wondered what effect the morning shower would have on it. So good info, thanks.
I agree - and I think comparisons to Pete Rose are ridiculous. Rose broke established rules, the penalty for which is he is "banned for life". He knew, at the time he was gambling, exactly what he was doing. To pile on the wrongs, he lied about it for years. What part of his accepting a ban for life do people not…