
I dont have a relative with Parkinson's, but i did watch my little brother die from a rare, terrible neurological disorder when he was 14. You're situation is obviously different in so many ways, but i just wanted to let you know that, as someone with a somewhat parallel situation, i know this is really really

The day one of my coworkers announced her pregnancy (12 weeks along), she was rushed to the hospital because she was bleeding. I texted my doctor-bff to be like "OK HOW BAD IS THIS?", and he said that one of the the most common things they see in emergency rooms is pregnant women bleeding, and it's usually not a big

So tired of people using Affirmative Action to assume people got in schools on some act of charity.

If you had access to internet, all the course materials, a tutor, a safe and comfortable space to study, ample free time and the loving support of family and got an A. Well done.

If someone had access to little or none

I go to a small law school in the upper Midwest that is not known nationally but understood in the region as being "the good" school among two other options. The summer after my first year, the school had some sort of camp/leadership program for undergrad students of color in their senior year who were thinking about

You know what this thread needs? Lots and lots of posts of all our cute baby doggies and kitties who will live for ever.

I don't mind it (peasant Brit here) when people are just themselves and stop pretending to be something else. Like we can't tell. You can tell Lily is a fake because she has to over-do her glottal stop in her mockney singing. Or should that be 'sin'ing'.