
I know I’m gonna catch hell for this but I’m just so sick of Taylor Swift. Like, Kardashian-level exhaustion.

Not trying to defend ariana grande but clearly the jezebel staff has a huge problem with her

Do we keep at the baby-Ariana Grande thing because the site is closing down soon and nothing matters anyway?

I read what you said perfectly. Perhaps you’re not expressing yourself correctly. Or maybe you’re trying to be a feminist while also espousing sexist ideas.

Ok, just say we’re clear, you’re saying only certain types of actual real adult women can dress sexily. And that a woman must have a certain body in order to be provocative. Lastly, some women do not have a ‘woman’s body’ despite them being a woman and having a body.

“when it’s admittedly incongruous with her natural features”

“no judgment on her...”